So, work has been busy lately and I have fallen behind a little bit on the posting. Below is this training results from this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday....
A. Weighted Bar Dips @30X1; 2-3 reps; rest 3 minutes x5
B. Walking Lunge w/KB in front rack; 20 steps; rest 90 seconds x3
C. Dumbbell Russian Step Ups @21X1; 15-20 reps; rest 90 seconds between legs x3
D. Side Bridge - 45 seconds/side x4/side; rest 10 seconds between sides
A. 95# attached (x3 reps), 110# (x3), 120# (x2), 120# (x2), 125# (x2)
B. Used 70# KB all sets
C. 30# DB/Hand x16 reps (same first 2 sets), 3rd set I used 35# DB/Hand x16 reps
D. All complete
Happy with weights used on bar dips, the last set @125# was rough...Keeping back tight and chest up during walking lunges w/70# KB was tough as well but got through it. Russian step ups were killer with the high rep scheme, based weights on knowing I would be holding them for quite a while. Side bridge felt extremely easy, never got tired as I usually do towards the end...I guess compared to GHD sit ups they are a nice break. Good, tempo based day of training - feeling stronger.
A. Weighted Chin ups @20X1; 6,6,4,4,2; rest 3 minutes between sets
B. Dumbbell Split Squat @5011; 4-6 reps; rest 1 minute between legs x4
C. Reverse Sled Drag - HEAVY for 60 seconds constant tension, pace; rest 3 minutes x4
D. Good Mornings @4011; 8-10 reps; rest 2 minutes x5
A. 35# attached (x6), 53# (x6), 70# (x4), 70# (x4), 90# (x2)
B. 35# DB/Hand (x6 reps) for first 3 sets, 45# DB/Hand (x6 reps) on 4th set
C. Used 200# Sled all sets
D. 75# (x10 reps), 85# (x10 reps), 85# (x10), 95# (x9), 95# (x9)
I should have started heavier on the weighted Chin ups, 35# wasn't really enough...lesson learned for next time, still really liked the weighted chins - regular kipping or butterfly kip without weight is going to feel real easy next time I hope...DB split squat with a 5 second downward tempo was absolutely brutal and torturous - plus knowing that heavy sled drags were coming made for a miserable experience, which means it was extremely beneficial and useful. I increased the weight used on the reverse sled drag from 185# last time to 200# this time and it actually felt lighter and easier this time around. The lactic acid build up came later and the pull felt easier....definitely happy with that, I never thought these were going to get easier - definitely one of my favorites. And just for you VMOs felt like a couple of overgrown ripened cantaloupes. Lastly, the good mornings are always great for the posterior chain, keep em coming.
A. Deadlift - 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 minutes between sets
B. Clean Pulls @115% 1RM; 3 sets of 3; rest 3 minutes between sets
C. GH Raises w/med ball; 12 reps; rest 1 minute x5
A. 315#, 375, 435# (PR), 315, 365, 405#
B. Used 275# all sets
C. Used 14# Med ball all 5 sets
Well DL felt heavy warming up but once I completed the first set of 3 @315# I knew I had a PR in me today...I intentionally kept this first set low to see how I felt and I figured why not go for it so I pulled 375# for 2 reps and stacked on 60# to go for the new 1RM....I was happy with hitting 435# (a 10# PR) and it felt tough but not too bad considering - I think I got another 10# in me next time...last 3 sets of the wave were done a little lighter. Clean Pulls felt fast off the ground too which was encouraging considering it was done at 275#, getting stronger here I think. GH Raises felt easy for first 2 sets then I hit a wall and struggled through the final 3 sets using the same weight..loved the raises. Great programming Ant, everythings starting to come together I think....2 days left until the start of the next cycle.
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