Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thursday, 12/22 - Tuesday, 12/27/11

Thursday's Training:
A. Back Squat @30X1; 8,6,4,2,8; rest 2:30 between sets
AirDyne @100% - 20 seconds; rest 1:45 x3
**Rest 8 min**
AirDyne @100% - 15 seconds; rest 1:45 x3
**Rest 6 min**
AirDyne @100% - 12 seconds; rest 1:45 x3

A. 220# x8, 240 x6, 270 x4, 295 x2, 225 x8
Cals/20 seconds - 10,12,10
Cals/15 seconds - 9,9,10
Cals/12 seconds - 8,8,8

Friday's Training:
4 Sets @ High Effort:
  30 sec Power Snatch - 95#
  30 sec muscle ups
  30 sec double unders
  30 sec KBS  -2pd
  30 sec walking lunges
***Rest 9  minutes between sets***

RESULTS:  Completed - did not track reps but pushed hard throughout

Saturday's Training:
For 60 Minutes, work on below at an easy pace:
Wall Balls
Box Jumps w/step down - 24"
GHD Sit Ups
Toes to Bar
Double Unders
Push Ups

RESULTS:  Completed

Sunday/Monday:  REST DAYS

Tuesday's Training:
   30 Clean & Jerks for Time - 135#


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday, December 19th & Tuesday, Dec 20th, 2011

Monday's Training:
A. Power Clean/Push Press doubles; rest 2:30 x5
B. Weighted Ring Dips @20X1; 5-7; rest 2:30 x5
C1. Toes to Rings x15 reps; No Rest
C2. Box Jumps - 24" x15 reps; rest 3 minutes x4

A. 205,205,210,215,220
B. 53# x7, 70# x7, 75# x6, 75# x5, 75# x5
C1/C1. 1. 51 seconds, 2. 48 seconds, 3. 49 seconds, 4. 47 seconds
    **All sets unbroken

Tuesday's Training:
4 Sets @ High Effort:
 45 seconds power snatch - 95#
 45 seconds Double unders
 45 seconds wall balls
 400m Run
**Rest 7 minutes between sets**

Completed as prescribed, hard to keep track of exact reps with no judge but continuous movement throughout w/little rest...felt really good

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tuesday, December 13th - Saturday, December 17th, 2011

Tuesday's Training:
A. Snatch Pulls - 3x3; rest 2:30 between sets
B. Deadlift - 2-3 reps x5 sets; rest 2:30 between sets
C. Snatch Balance - 3x3; rest 2:30 between sets

A. 205#, 205, 210
B. 400# x3, 400# x3, 400# x2, 375# x2, 375# x2
c. 155#, 165, 170

Wednesday's Training:
A. Back Squat @30X1; 6,4,2,6; rest 2:30 between sets
B. Power Snatch - 1,1,1,1,1; rest 2:30 between sets
AirDyne @100% - 15 seconds; rest 2 minutes x4
**Rest 8 Minutes**
AirDyne @100% - 12 seconds; rest 2 minutes x4

A. 215#, 235#, 255#, 225#
B. 155#, 165, 170, 165, 165
15 second sprints - 10,10,10,10 cals
12 second sprints - 8,8,7,7 cals

Thursday's Training:
For 50 minutes at a moderate pace, work on the following in any order:
--TGU & KB Snatch
--Med Ball Cleans & Wall Balls
--GHD Sit Ups & Back Extensions
--Double Unders & Box Jumps


Friday - REST DAY

Saturday's Training:
A. Power Clean x2; rest 2:30 x3 sets
B1. Weighted Chin Ups - 2,1,2,1; rest 90 seconds
B2. Push Press - 1,1,1,1; rest 90 seconds
Row 500m for Time

A. 215#, 220#, 210#
B1. 105# x2, 123# x1, 105# x2, 123# x1
B2. 215#, 225, 230, 235#
Row Time - 1:32.4

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10th, 2011 OPT Construction Series #2


Find 1RM Power Snatch
Find Max Reps Chest To Bar Pull Ups - 1 attempt
(You have 25 minute time limit to find both)


EVENT #2:  "Little Liz"
Squat Cleans - 135#
Ring Dips
(Score is total time)


Event #3:  In 25 Minutes:
Row 5K
THEN complete max reps Burpees with remaining time
(Score is total number of burpees completed)

EVENT #1: 180# Power Snatch (82.81 kg) + 45 CTB Pull Ups
EVENT #2: 4:23
EVENT #3: 70 Burpees (5K row took 20:06)

Competition was a rough one but had alot of fun with it...hips and quads are smoked, need a few days recovery after this one...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

A. Power Clean x2; rest 2:30 x2 sets
B1. Weighted Chin Ups - 1,1,1,1; rest 90 seconds
B2. Push Press - 2,1,2,1; rest 90 seconds
"FRAN:"  21-15-9
Thrusters - 95#
Pull Ups

A. 185#, 205#
B1. 93#, 106#, 123#, 133# (All weights are in attached KBs)
B2. 185#, 205#, 205#, 210#
FRAN - 2:50

Ddin't push it too hard on the cleans, chin ups and push presses - took that portion of training more as foundation work for the tester, "FRAN."

FRAN time was a PR by 1:55...hadn't done it in over a year, so it was great to see how far training has come...all the credit goes to my coach and programmer, Anthony DiSarro - he knows his stuff and knows how to tailor it to each individual client with their individual needs...the only thing you gotta do is eat clean, hone your Post-Wod meal to you specifically, and trust FULLY in your coach.  Thanks Coach - and as you like to say...Onward.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, December 5th, 2011

TRAINING:  For 60 minutes, play with the following at a low intensity - No High Heart Rate:
Wall Balls
Walking Lunges
Box Jumps
GHD Sit Ups
Toes to Bar
Double Unders

I stayed at a moderate pace, never felt tired...would move to the next exercise as soon as I started to feel a HR elevation...FRAN tomorrow

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 29th - Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Tuesday's Training:
A. Power Clean/Push Press Cluster -; rest 3 minutes x5
B. Ring Dips @30X0; 3-5; rest 2 minutes x4
C1. GHD Situps x20; no rest
C2. Box Jumps - 24" x10; rest 4:30 x4

A. 155#,165,175,185,195
B. Attached 85# in KB for all sets - 4,5,4,3
C1/C2. Completed

Wednesday's Training:
3 sets @97%:
30 seconds amrap Power Snatch - 95#
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds double unders
30 seconds KBS - 2pood
1 min max cals on AirDyne

**Rest 10 minutes between sets**

Completed at a full effort, could not keep track of reps throughout

Thursday:  OFF

Friday's Training:
A. Back Squat @30X1; 8,6,4,2; rest 2:30 between sets
B. Power Clean Tech Work - 7 minutes
AirDyne Sprint @100% - 20 seconds; rest 2 minutes x3
**Rest 8 Minutes**
AirDyne Sprint @100% - 15 seconds; rest 2 minutes x3

A. 205# x8, 225# x6, 250# x4, 300# x2
B. Worked up to 205# (Hit 230# after 7 minutes just for a check)
Cals/20 second sprints - 15,15,15
Cals/15 second sprints - 10,10,10

Monday, November 28, 2011

Saturday, November 26th & Monday, November 28th, 2011

Saturday's Training:
A. Front Squat @85% 1RM; 4-5; rest 3 minutes x4
B. BB Reverse Lunge in front rack from 6" Step; 5-7; rest 1 minute between legs x4
5 Minute AMRAP:
Row 150m
5 Burpee Pull Ups
5 Box Jumps - 27"

***Rest 3 minutes***

5 Minute AMRAP:
AirDyne for 15 calories
5 Burpee Pull Ups
5 Box Jumps - 27"

***Rest 3 minutes***

5 Minute AMRAP:
Run 200m
5 Burpee Pull Ups
5 Box Jumps - 27"

A. Used 245# all sets - x5,4,4,4
B. 95# x7, 115 x7, 125 x7, 130 x7
AMRAP #1: 3 Rounds + 150m Row + 1 Burpee Pull Up
AMRAP #2: 3 Rounds
AMRAP #3: 3 Rounds

Monday's Training:
A. OHS - 5,3,1; rest 3 minutes
B. Squat Snatch Tech Work - 7 minutes
C. DB Walking Lunge - 12-16 steps; rest 90 seconds x4
D. GH Raise vs. Blue Band; 12 reps; rest 45 seconds x4

A. 185#, 195, 200 (x2)
B. Worked up to 165#
C. 55#/Hand x16 steps on first two sets, 70#/Hand x12 last two sets
D. Completed

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Catchin up Turtleman style....

Thursday, November 17th
A. Snatch Grip DL from 4" Block w/straps; 2-3; rest 3 minutes x4
B1. 1 Heavy Power Snatch; No Rest
B2. Good Mornings @32X2; 4-6; rest 3 minutes x5
C. Side Bridge - 45 seconds; rest 15 seconds x4

A. 260# x3, 275# x3, 285# x3, 300# x3
B1. 155#, 165, 165, 170, 170
B2. 95# all sets (x6/set)
C. Complete

Friday, November 18th
A. Press @32X2; 5-7 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B. Strict Chin Ups - Pronated grip @22X2; 7-9; rest 2 minutes x3
For Time - 10 Rounds:
--3 HSPU - hands on floor
--3 Muscle Ups

A. 120# x7, 125 x6, 130 x5, 135 x5
B. 9,8,7

Monday, November 21
AirDyne M.A.P. Session:
30 seconds @85%
30 seconds @50%  x30 sets

410 Cals

Tuesday, November 22
A. Push Press @32X2; 2-3; rest 3 minutes x5
B1. Ring HSPU (AMRAP -2); No Rest
B2. FLR on Rings for max hold; rest 3 minutes x3
C. Back Extensions w/10 second pause at top; 8-10; rest 90 seconds x3

A. 165# x3, 170 x3, 175 x3, 185 x3, 190 x3
B1. 8,8,8
B2. 1:12, 1:04, 1:01
C. 9,8,7

Wednesday, November 23
A. DL w/fat grips @31X2; 5-7; rest 3 minutes x3
B. Build quickly w/no grips to a heavy 3 DL
C. Power Clean Singles x5; rest as needed between sets
D. GHD Sit Ups x50 in as few sets as possible

A. 185# x5 (all 3 sets)
B. 415#
C. 205#, 215, 220, 225, 230
D. Completed in 1 Unbroken set in 1:40

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Catching Up....

Results from Saturday's OPT Construction Series Competition

Event 1:  1RM Back Squat - 340#
Event 2:  Standing Triple Jump (take best of three attempts) - 25'9"
Event 3:  Row 2500m for time:  9:26
Event 4:  10 Rounds for Time:  10 Burpees, 10 COVP Pull Ups:  8:33

Tuesday, November 15th:
A. Back Squat @85% 1RM; 4 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B. DB Alternating Forward Lunge to 6" Step; 10-12; rest 90 seconds x3
10 Min -controlled and breathing constantly (75%):
--15 cals AirDyne
--5 DB Snatch - right arm w/35#
--5 DB Snatch - left arm w/35#
--30 DU UB
--10 Bpx Jumps w/step down - 24#

A. Used 290# all sets
B. Used 65#/Hand all sets - completed 12 reps each set
Finished 3 rounds + all the way thru 4th round to 3 Box Jumps

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Monday, November 7th - Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Monday's Training
A. Deadlift Cluster -; rest 3 minutes x5
B. Clean Pulls; 10 heavy singles; rest as needed
C. Power Clean Technique Work - 10 minutes
D. KBS - 2pood; 16 reps; rest 1 minute x3

A. 355#, 360# (x4)
B. Used 275#
C. Worked up to 225#
D. Complete

Tuesday's Training
A. Split Jerk Tech Work - 7 minutes
B. Press @32X2; 3-5 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
C. DB Ext Rotations @3010; 8/arm; rest 1 minute between arms x2
On a 3 minute timer:
20 seconds AirDyne sprint
10 Push Press @125#
20 seconds AirDyne sprint
--Rest Remaining time x4 sets--

A. Worked up to 205#
B. 135# x5, 140# x4, 145# x3, 150# x3
C. Used 20# DB all sets
1. 1:10
2. 1:12
3. 1:11
4. 1:10

Wednesday's Training
A. Back Squat @32X2; 3-5 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B. Barbell Split Squat @32X2; 4-6 reps; rest 1 minute between legs x3
C. GH Raises vs. Blue Band; 10-12 reps; rest 1 minute x3

A. 245# x5, 255# x3, 260# x3
B. 110# x5/leg, 110 x4/leg, 110 x4/leg
C. 12,12,10

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tuesday, November 1st, Thursday, November 3rd & Friday, November 4th, 2011

Tuesday's Training:
A. Hang Power Clean from Knee; 6 sets of 2; rest 3 minutes between sets
B. Hang Power Snatch from Knee; 6 sets of 2; rest 3 minutes between sets
C. KBS - 2pood; 15 reps; rest 1 minute x3
D. TGU - 1 heavy rep on the minute for 8 minutes

A. 175#,185,190,195,205,210
B. 115#,125,135,140,140,150
C. Completed Unbroken
D. 2 pood used

Thursday's Training:
A. Push Press @32X1; 4-6 reps; rest 3 minutes x5
B. 1-Arm DB Row @31X2; 4-6 reps; rest 1 minute between arms x3
4 sets @85%:
Run 200m
1 Rope Ascent - NO Legs
3 Heavy Push Jerks
--Rest 5 minutes between sets--

A. 135# x6,145 x6, 150 x6, 155 x5, 165 x4
B. 55# x6, 70 x6, 80 x6
***(Used 205# all sets of Push Jerks)***
1. 1:15
2. 1:18
3. 1:20
4. 1:20

Friday's Training
A. Front Squat @32X2; 3-5 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B. DB Walking Lunge - 16 total steps; rest 45 seconds x4
C. GH Raise vs. Blue Band; 12-15 reps; rest 90 seconds x3

A. 210# x5, 220 x4, 230 x3
B. 45#/Hand first 2 sets, 55#/Hand last 2 sets
C. 15,12,12

Monday, October 31, 2011

Catching Up........

Thursday, October 27, 2011
A. Back Squat @32X2; 5-7 reps; Rest 3 minutes x3
B. Barbell Step Up @32X2; 6-8 reps; rest 1 minute between legs x3
C. GH Raise vs. Blue band; 8-10 reps; rest 1 minute x4
Row Sprint 20 seconds
5 Toes to Bar
5 Broad Jumps
Rest 3:30 x5

A. 185# x7, 205# x6, 215# x5
B. 115#-125#-130# (x8 all sets)
C. 10 reps/set
Meters traveled during 20 second row sprint: 101m, 101, 102, 105, 105

Friday, October, 28th, 2011
A. Deadlift @2111; 3-4 heavy reps - hand release each rep; rest 3 minutes x4
B. Hang Power Clean; 2.2.2; rest 2-3 minutes x6
C. GHD Sit Ups @30X0; 12-15 reps; rest 1 minute x3

A. 325# x4, 355# x4, 375# x4, 385# x3
B. 155#, 165, 175, 180, 175, 175
C. 15 reps/set

Saturday, October 29th, 2011
A1. Bench Press @22X2; 5-7 reps; rest 1 minute
A2. Weighted Chin Ups @22X2; 5-7 reps; rest 3 minutes x5
B1. Seated DB Press; 8-10 reps; rest 20 seconds
B2. Pendlay Row @32X2; 5-7 reps; rest 2:30 x3

A1. 170# x6, 175# x6, 180# x5, 180# x5, 180# x5
A2. Used 35# KB all sets - 7,6,5,5,5
B1. Used 55# DB/Hand all sets - 8,8,6
B2. Used 135# all sets - 6,5,5

Monday, October 31st, 2011
A. Back Squat @32X2; 4-6 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B. Barbell Single Leg Split Squat @32X2; 5-7 reps; rest 1 minute between legs x3
C. GH Raises vs. blue band; 6-8 reps; rest 45 seconds x4
Sprint Thru This - 5 sets:
10 Burpees w/no push up
10 Box Jumps
10 Wall Balls
--Rest 3:30 between sets--

A. 225# x6, 235# x5, 245# x4 (real happy with this @ tempo)
B. 95# x6/leg, 105# x5/leg, 105# x5/leg
C. 8 reps/set
1. :50 seconds
2. :50
3. :50
4. :48
5. :50 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Iron Curtain Results, 2011

Friday, October 21st, 2011

Event 1:
--3 Shoulder to Overhead @155#
--7 Burpees (jump over bar each rep)
--21 Double Unders

RESULTS:  7 Rounds + 1 shoulder to overhead

Event 2:
Max Squat Clean - 245#

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Event 3:
5 MINUTE LADDER (as high as you can go):
1 DL @225#
1 Handstand Push Up
2 DL @225#
3 DL
3 HSPU.....

10 Rounds + 1 DL

Event 4:
10 Snatch @115#
20 Front Squats @115#
30 Pull Ups
40 Wall Balls
50 Push Ups
60 Sit Ups
70 SDLHP w/55# KB
80 Foot walking lunge with 45# Plate Overhead
900m Run to Finish


I will be taking several days off before you see me back in the gym....see you Thursday!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday, October 14th, 2011

A. Clean Grip Bench Press @11X1; 3-5 reps; rest 3 minutes x5
B. Flat Bench Powell Raises @3010; 8-10 reps; rest 1 minute b/t arms x2
C. FLR on Rings - Feet above Hands - Max Hold; rest 2 minutes x3
5 Minutes @85%:
30 Double Unders
7 HSPU - Regional Standards
20 Walking Lunges w/25# Plate overhead
10 GHD Sit Ups
**Rest 12 minutes x4 sets***

A. 185# x5, 195# x5, 205# x4, 210# x4, 215# x3
B. Used 15# DB, completed 10 reps/set
C. 2:45, 1:35, 1:18
Totals - 4 sets:
1. 2 Rds + 30 D/U + 7 HSPU + 6 Lunges
2. 2 Rds + 30 D/U + 7 HSPU + 20 Lunges + 6 GHDs
3. 3 Rds
4. 2 Rds + 30 D/U + 7 HSPU + 20 Lunges + 6 GHDs

Part 1 wasn't too bad, hadn't done CGBP in awhile so good to get some strength work in.  Powell Raises completed but need to get the weight up a little here...FLR was miserable but real happy with the first hold @2:45...downhill from there haha.  Part 2 was pretty nasty, I completed the first round at 75% and could feel that I needed to go harder for the next three sets to get back to 85%....last three sets felt real solid, shoulders and core started to feel the affects of the FLR but satisfied with how it all went.....Weekend off before back at it Monday for a couple days.....Iron Curtain this upcoming weekend

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday, October 11th - Thursday, October, 13th

Tuesday's Training:
A. Find 1RM Clean & Jerk in 10 minutes
B. Find Max Standing Triple Jump in 3 attempts
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
150 Double Unders (Buy-In)
THEN, with remaining time, complete sets of:
7 Wall Balls
5 Burpees - jump to 12" above max reach each time

A. 245#
B. 24'
7 Total Rounds

Wednesday's Training:
A. Snatch Grip DL from 4" Step; 5-7; rest 2:30 x4
B. Pendlay Rows @31X2; 5-7 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
C. DB Ext Rotations @3010; use 10% 1RM CGBP; 8/arm; rest 1 minute b/t arms
AIRDYNE M.A.P. Training - Complete 15 straight sets:
30 seconds @85%
30 seconds @50%

A. 185# x7, 205# x7, 225# x7, 225# x7
B. 135# x7 (all 3 sets)
C. Completed
M.A.P. session completed

Thursday's Training:
A.  Practice Olympic Lifts w/light weights for 10-15 minutes
B. 1-5 Butterfly Pull Up Ladder x3; easy pace
C. 2 TGU/minute for 10 minutes

A. Practiced various C&J, various Snatch work
B. Completed
C. Used 53# KB

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Sleep was good last night ~9 hours...not working makes all the difference, as does the nicer weather!

A. Front Squat @12X0;8-10 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B. BB Reverse Lunge from 6" step; 5-7; rest 1 minute between legs x4
Max reps in 45 seconds of each:
115# Squat Clean Thruster
Calorie Row
**Rest 10 min active x5**

A. 155# x12, 170#x12, 180#x10
B. 95#x7, 115#x7, 125#x7, 130#x7
Sq Clean Thrusters - 12,10,10,10,10
Burpees - 12-15/round
Cal Row - 14,13,13,12,11

Haven't done high rep scheme of front squats in awhile so wasn't sure about the weights but happy with 180# x10 - felt light and fast...Reverse lunge from 6" step was higher than normal and I wasn't sure about weight on this one either...should've started heavier but legs were smoked by the end and I knew what was coming so I didn't wanna push it too much.  Squat Clean Thruster/Burpee/Row triplet was pretty awful - legs and shoulders took a pounding but I was really happy to maintain my numbers consistently throughout.  This one became a gut check because the weights weren't bad, effort determined my #'s....Good day, feeling strong and energized...til tomorrow...............

Friday, October 7, 2011

Catching up...

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011
A. OHS - 5,5,5; Rest 3 minutes between
B. Muscle Snatch; 2-3; rest 2 minutes x4
C. Snatch Pulls - Heavy; 2-3 reps x3
4 sets @90%:
--5 Squat Snatch @135#
--25 Unbroken Double Unders
--30m Prowler Push w/200#
--Rest 7 min between sets--

A. 155#-170-185
B. 120#-125-130-130
C. 195#-210-210
Completed as prescribed

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Row 5 minuntes @Z1
3 Muscle Ups on the Minute for 5 minutes with double dips on each
Push Press Cluster;; rest 3 minutes x5

Row Completed @2:05 pace/500m
MU Completed Unbroken

Thursday, October 6, 2011
A. DL; Build to a heavy 5
B. GH Raises vs. Light Band; 12-15; rest 1 minute x4
--DL @185#
--GHD Sit Ups

Run 400m hard; rest 7 minutes x4; Accumulate 30 seconds in Ring Handstand during rest periods

A. 385# x5
B. Completed 12/set
Completed in 4:10
Run times -

Friday, October 7, 2011
A. Press x1/Push Press x2/ Push Jerk x3; rest 2 minutes x3 (increase load each set)
B. KB Snatch - 1.5pd; 10-12/arm; rest 30 seconds between arms x4
On a 3 minute timer wearing a weighted vest:
--40ft. bear crawl
--10 Air Squats
--10 Pull Ups
--10 Push ups
Rest remaining time left on clock x5

A. 145#-155-165
All sets took :55-:57 seconds

Monday, October 3, 2011

Saturday, October 1st & Sunday, October, 2nd, 2011

Saturday's Training:


5 sets:
Max Reps Bodyweight Bench Press
Max Reps Pull Ups
--Rest as Needed between sets--

Bench Presses/Round - 20,17,14,11,10 = 72 Total Reps
Pull Ups/Round - 40,31,26,24,22 = 143 Total Reps
TOTAL REPS - 215 reps

This one didn't look bad but then I finished Round 1 and felt like my chest and forearms were going to explode...very miserable.  I also realized that I could've rested for 4 minutes between sets or 44 minutes and it wouldn't have made a difference.  I was hoping for higher pull up numbers but I didn't wanna cheat it and rest for long periods betwwen the transition from the bench to the bar...I chalked up and got on the bar.  til tomorrow..............

Sunday's Training:
Speed Back Squats @60%; 3 reps; rest 10 seconds
Run 200m
20 Box Jumps - 24"

1. 1:02          5. 1:00
2. 1:10          6. 1:00
3. 1:12          7. 1:00
4. 1:00          8. 1:01

***Complete the above for 8 sets****

I used 200# for the back squats which were designed to tire my legs before taking off for the 200m runs (which are actually a 100m run out and 100m run back...HUGE difference than a straight 200).  The stopping and restarting of the runs made my legs very fatigued for the box jumps, really this one was short but painful and very fatiguing.  For the first 3 sets, I rested 3 minutes between then I doubled the rest period to 6 minutes for last 5 sets per Coach.  Again nothing technical about today, just a grind...off day tomorrow, back at it Tuesday..........  

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28th & Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Wednesday's Training:
A. Build to a Tough but Technical 3 rep Power Clean
B. KBS - 1.5pd; 30 reps Unbroken, rest as needed x3
3 Sets @85%:
30 second Reverse Sled Drag w/185#
200m Run
--Rest 3 minutes actively between sets

A. 210#
B. Rested one minute between sets

Power Clean felt pretty good today, had a long day at work so struggled to focus but still happy with technique..KBS were pretty light, 1 min was def enough rest, maybe 45 seconds rest next time.  Rev Sled Drag/Run was brutal on my tired legs but go thru it, focused on high turnover on drags and pushed myself on the runs.

Thurday's Training:
A.M. Session:

A. Push Press; 2-3 reps; rest 3 minutes x5
B. Tabata Push Ups; record lowest reps
Row 2K under 8 minutes

P.M. Session:
Swim 10 minutes @Z1 w/bilateral breathing
25m underwater; rest 1 minute x8
Swim 10 minutes @Z1 w/bilateral breathing

A.M. session went well - Push Pressed 185# (x3), 195# (x3), 200# (x2 ...on last 3 sets).  Hit 10 as my low score on push ups - shoulders were SMOKED from heavy push press...completed row in 7:48, legs felt like falling off lol...I need rest for my legs badly.  P.M. session was very very interesting, I never swim and I am not good at it...happy to do it and I know its a weakness so I'll never say no but it still sucked.  Something else to learn, yaaaaaaaaaaa..................... 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday, September 24th & Sunday, September 25th, 2011

A. Bench Press w/Chains; 8,6,4; rest 3 minutes
B. Weighted Strict Chin Ups with 1/3 bodyweight attached; AMRAP; Rest 3-5 minutes (1 Attempt)
C. Weighted Strict Chin Ups with 1/4 bodyweight attached; AMRAP (1 Attempt)

A. 135#(180# w/chains)-155#(200#) -170#(215#)
B. 9 reps w/50# attached
C. 9 reps w/ 37.5# attached

Pretty easy, slow day today which I really needed...legs were smoked from this week's training and I played hockey this morning so this was perfect.  First time using the chains on the Bench which I really liked - enjoying anything with chains for sure....

A. Find your 3RM Deadlift
B. GH Raises vs. Light Band; 10 reps; rest 1 minute x5
15 Minute AMRAP:
--3 Bar Muscle Ups
--20 Double Unders
--3 Deadlifts @275#
--20 Calories on AirDyne

A. 400#
B. Completed
6 Full Rounds + 3 Bar Muscle Ups

Happy with the 3RM DL @400#, I was hoping to hit 400# and it felt really solid - last rep was tough but completed....wasn't touch and go but just a second at the bottom to reset, very fast here....GH Raises were rough after the DL but def need the lower back work so good to see these again.  AMRAP felt really smooth as well....the killer was the AirDyne (of course), getting thru 20 cals at that point was a grind.  Loved it though, def something I can accel at....til next time....OH WAIT I GOT ONE MORE THING TO ADDRESS*****

So, most of you have seen me and Mark battle back and forth in a good natured verbal war on our blogs; however, it had stopped for a bit and I thought maybe we could finally both be adults and stop the nonsense.  I WAS WRONG...he took an UNPROVOKED shot at me and told me to "Go back to drooling over pics of Tom Brady" 

Well, shame on me for thinking someone from Philly could be honorable...I mean this is a place where sports fan throw batteries at opposing players, throw snow balls at santa claus and have a football stadium with its own jail cell underneath the stands...my bad....oh wait did I mention there Quarterback is a Convicted Felon????  WHATEVER, I'll take Tom Brady, First Ever Unanimous MVP in NFL history, any day of the week.....and yes I occassionally drool over him - not that there's anything wrong with that haha

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21st & Thursday, September, 22nd, 2011

Wednesday's Training:
A. Snatch Grip DL from 4" Block; 2-3 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B1. Power Snatch - 115#; 7 reps; rest 10 seconds
B2. Toes to Rings; 20 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
C. Side Bridge; 45 seconds/side; rest 15 seconds x3/side

A. 215#-225#-225# (completed 3 reps/set)
B1/B2 - 1:10,1:04,1:05
C. Completed

Snatch Grip DL with extended ROM was good training, something I think I need more of - I think it can help with posterior chain strength and that initial pull on the snatch.  Snatch/Toes2Rings couplet was really rough on the grip but the power snatches felt easy and fast, def need the snatch work so it was good.  Side Bridges completed with no problem.

Thursday's Training:
A1. DB Press from seated position on floor; 10-12 reps; rest 90 seconds
A2. L-Pull-Up; AMRAP (-1); rest 90 seconds x3
10 Rounds:
3 HSPU - Hands on Floor
3 Muscle Ups

A1. 30# DB/Hand (x12), 35# DB/Hand (x12), 45# DB/Hand (x10)
A2. 16,12,11
Time: 10:40

Well presses from the floor were different, really had to focus on keeping back tight and legs straight in front of me, tough to get any help from other muscle groups, good isolation work especially when combined with the L-Pull Ups.  Again back had to stay tight and legs straight...this couplet smoked by shoulders and lats, which made the HSPU/MU tester miserable.  Hoping for a much better time on that but it wasn't happening, upper body was struggling, still just happy to complete it.  Good few days of training, day off tomorrow and back at it Saturday.....................

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Back at it after a couple days off following Fight Gone Bad (383 points)....had a lot of fun participating but it's a rough one and I needed a couple days to recover.  Felt good about my score considering the less than ideal conditions.

Sleep was good last night ~8 hours, so hit training early as I could because it's so hot in there right now....

A. Back Squat @85% 1RM; 4 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B. DB Lunge to 4" step; 10-12 alternating legs each step; rest 90 seconds x3
5 Sets:
--10 Burpees with 2 push ups @the bottom
--30 Double Unders
--15 KBS - 2pd.
Rest 3:30 between sets

A. Used 280# all sets
B. Used 55# DB/Hand on first set (x12), used 65# DB/Hand on last 2 sets (x10)
Completed each set between 1:35-2:00

Back Squats are feeling good, happy with 4 sets of 4 @280#, hopefully my foundation is getting stronger...Lunges were rough, toughest part was holding the DBs in each hand and hips started to really feel it after the second set.  Burpee/DU/KBS was really rough, it was extremely tough to breathe in there and couldn't get going too fast...all reps of each exercise completed Unbroken and everything felt smooth considering the heat.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Catchin' Up............


A. Muscle Up Practice - 7 minutes
B. Work up to a tough but technical 3-rep Power Clean
Met-Con - 2 Rounds for Time:
10 Muscle Ups
20 Wall Balls
30 Anchored Sit Ups
40 Push Ups
50 Squats

A. Worked on strict, false grip, regular grip all at different heights
B.  Worked up to 215# x3, then back to 195# x3 - which was much better technically speaking
Met-Con Time - 10:46

Well Power Cleans didn't feel great today but I will take 215# x3 on an off day for now...195# felt much better in terms of form so that will be my true 3-rep for the day.  Met-Con went well I thought...it's amazing how tiring everything else was after the 10 MU, they feel pretty easy while I'm doing them but they destroyed me for the rest of the movements...everything just compounded from there.  First round all exercises were Unbroken and second round was all broken up haha...love the gymnastic met-cons.


30 Seconds of 3 Burpees & 3 CTB Pull Ups
30 Seconds of 3 KBS (2pd) & 3 Box Jumps (24")
30 Seconds of 3 Toes to Bar & 3 HSPU
**Complete for rounds of the above each set***

Rest 5 minutes x3

This was one where I just moved nice and smooth for 30 seconds at each couplet before moving onto the next...I tried not to redline as it was more of a lighter day.  Everything felt fine today...day off tomrrow and back at it Tuesday.


7 Minute AMRAP:
10 Pull Ups (COVP)
10 Pistols
4 Minute AMRAP:
Deadlifts @275#

7 Minute AMRAP - 8 Full Rounds + 6 Pull Ups
4 Minute AMRAP - 36 Reps

Well obviously I am built better for the first AMRAP and felt like I moved really well through this one...looking back I could've done better using Butterfly Pull Ups, although it was COVP I couldve at least done a few sets butterfly style and ended up with a better score...still real happy with how the pistols went and all sets of pull ups were Unbroken.  I was only able to rest about 10-15 minutes before the DL tester and my hips were still pulsing from all the pistols.  Completing 36 reps @275# was really rough but not bad considering....till tomorrow.....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 7th & Thursday, Sept. 8th, 2011

A. Back Squat @80% 1RM; 4 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B. DB Walking Lunges - Heavy; 18 steps; rest 90 seconds x3
4 sets @80%:
Run 200m
15 GHD Sit Ups
16 Walking Lunges
15 Toes to Bar
--Rest 5 minutes between sets--

A. Used 265# for all sets
B. 55#DB/Hand, 65#, 65#
Sets completed between 2:20-2:40

Back Squats got very challenging by the last set but still felt solid throughout, feeling stronger with the back squat.  Heavy Walking lunges were brutal, especially the last two sets carrying 65#DB in each hand, I really wanted to drop them but I completed the 18 steps each set, real happy with the weights used here.  The metcon session felt good, all sets of GHDs and lunges unbroken, and all but the second set of toes to bar were Unbroken...hands just slipped on the second set after the 11th rep but overall pleased with my efforts.

A. Ring Inversions w/slow lower - stay as straight as possible x10
B. TGU; 1 heavy rep each minute for 8 minutes; alternate arms
C. 20 Minutes on AirDyne for Max Calories

A. Completed
B. Completed with 2pood KB
C. 290 Cals

Well ring inversions and TGU were nice and smooth...then I got hit by that bus....20 Minutes on the AirDyne is equivalent to having your eyebrows pulled out with a pair of tweezers.  My legs were tired from yesterdays lunges and squats and I knew within the first 30 seconds on the bike that it was gonna be even more miserable than usual.  I just couldnt get into a nice rhythm and legs were fighting the whole time...here's the positive side of it, I completed it at less than 100% and found out that I could push through the pain for a longer time frame.  Next time the 20 min AirDyne adventure will be well over 300 cals.......til next time!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Sleep was good last night...about 8 hours and straight to the box to train before teaching the 10am....

A. Muscle Snatch - 10 Heavy Singles
B. Hang Power Snatch - technique work for 10 minutes
C. Overhead Squats - 3 sets of 5 reps; Heavy; rest 3 minutes between sets

A. 135#-145-150-155-160-155-150-150-145-145
B. Used 95#-115 over 10 minutes
C. 155#-160-170

Well, needless to say I need a lot of work on all forms of the snatch....My muscle snatch was only about 10# less than my 1RM Power Snatch, which tells me my power snatch is essentially a muscle snatch - not good.  I will just keep working and focusing on my second pull, which was the focus on the hang power snatch.  As I tried to keep the bar close to my body and arms straight, I found myself off-balance and shuffling my feet each rep, gotta get this right - very frustrating.  Towards the end of the OHS I began to feel a tug in my right tricep that really started bothering me, hopefully its nothing but we will see as the day goes on...gonna put an ice cup on the tricep to try and get it healed quickly.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday, September, 3rd, 2011

I took a rest day yesterday in preparation for the 31 HEROES partner WOD today...it was a tough one but that was the idea, we did our small part of honoring the fallen heroes and donating to the Navy Seals Foundation...these are the types of events everyone should contribute to if possible, there is no better cause...THANK YOU to everyone from Redline that came to compete along side us or came out to cheer and show their support, it's truly appreciated.

31 HEROES was a 31 minute AMRAP with a partner:

Partner #1 started with 8 Thrusters @155#, followed by 6 rope climbs, followed by 11 Box Jumps @30" as Partner #2 ran 400m with a 45# sand bag (although we only had 50# medicine balls or a 45# bumper plate...MISERABLE)...when Partner #2 returned from the run, they switched and Partner #1 ran the 400m as Partner #2 took over wherever the partner left off...your team's score was the total number of reps completed on the AMRAP


I partnered up with Mark and I'm real happy with how well we did at the prescribed weight.  Mark did a great job and completed more than his fair share of the work...I only hope to be near his level at the age of 41, it was really impressive.  I started off on the Thrusters and completed the first set of 8 Unbroken, as well as 4 or 5 of the rope climbs...I can't remember exactly, its all a blur at this point.  Anyways, we stayed steady and consistent and just worked the entire 31 minutes at a nice pace...the idea was to keep the HR in check, which I think we both did a good job with.  After Round 1 most of the rounds were pretty consistent and we were getting done close to the same point in the AMRAP each rotation.

Also, I gotta thank Anthony for my programming over the past couple months.  Every set of thrusters I completed were Unbroken and felt pretty easy considering the WOD...my strength is improving and my ability to work longer without "blacking out" is really improving.  In regards to training, having Ant program for me has been the best move I could have made.....rest day tomorrow and back at it Monday if I'm fully recovered.  If not, I'll get back at it Tuesday....oh ya I plan on consuming about 3,451,759 grams of BCAAs over the next 24-48 hours (that's just a rough estimate haha).   

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Catchin' Up........

Tuesday, August, 30th, 2011

5 Rounds:
20 Unbroken Back squats
25 Unbroken KBS - 1.5pd (53#)
--Rest 4 minutes sets

I used 135# for all sets of the back squats...I have never done such high volume of Unbroken reps so I wasn't real sure where to start or where I was going but I'm glad I chose the right weight.  My lower back was ready to snap in half - at least that's how I felt after the first two rounds....the "Unbroken" mentality is a different animal and it made me push through some pretty intense discomfort.  I could've gone higher in weight on the back squat but I never would have been able to finish the KBS unbroken if I did and then the point of the workout is lost....good mental test here.

Wednesday, August 31st

A. Box Jump Rebound practice - 30"; 5 sets of 10
B1. 135# Thruster x5; rest 10 seconds
B2. 2 Rope Ascents; rest 1 minute x3...decrease rest period to 30 seconds for last set
C. Sand Bag Half Moons; 8-10; rest 2 minutes x3
D. GHD Sit Ups; 12-15 reps; rest 45 seconds x3

A. Completed with a minute rest between sets, all reps fast and unbroken
B1/B2. All Thrusters Unbroken, rope climbs felt pretty easy til last set
C. Used approx. 50# (2 sand bags in casing); completed 8 reps on first 2 sets and 10 reps last
D. 15 reps all sets

Good day of training with alot of core work...building a strong core-to-extremity base, I like it!

Thursday, September 1st

M.A.P. TRAINING - 5 Sets @ 80% Maximum Aerobic Power:
--Run 800m
--7 Toes-to-Bar
--7 HSPU (Games Standards)
--5 Muscle Ups (Games height)
--Run 800m
--7 Toes-to-Bar
--7 HSPU (Games Standards)
--5 Muscle Ups (Games height)

Rest actively 5 minutes between sets  (Record Times and HR for each set)

TIMES            HR
1. 9:56              172  
2. 9:37              172
3. 9:28              172
4. 9:36              172
5. 9:34              172


First off, no that wasn't a typing error, my HR was the same at the end of each set..I took it right after finishing each round, which was very interesting and telling.  My ability to sustain a certain level was great and I stayed well within my limits, never getting my HR out of whack.  I felt like my first set was more at 75% so I went a bit harder and found out I was right - I wasn't quite at 80% at first.  I completed each and every set of toes-to-bar, HSPU and MU Unbroken, which was another goal.  There is no reason why I couldn't accomplish that at 80%. 

So, I ran a total of 5 miles, completed 70 toes-to-bar, 70 HSPU, and 50 Muscle Ups today.....I am tired and sore, so a rest day tomorrow before tackling 31 HEROES with Mark C. on Saturday at CF Blaze...very interested to see how I recover from this but I'm not worried because of my nutrition, that will take care of it.  THANKS COACH.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday, August 27th, 2011

About 8 hours of sleep last night, I'll take it - better than average.  Sticking to my routine of early-day training as best I can on my non-work days...1 serving Max Energy, Max Glucose, 200mg caffeine pre-training on an empty stomach.

A. Power Snatch; Heavy Singles; 6-8 sets; rest as needed
B. AMRAP KBS - 2pood (70#) in 1 Minute; rest 1 minute x4
C. AirDyne for Max Calories in 1 Minute; rest 1 minute x4

A. 165#-170-170-170-170(f)-165-165
B. 26,26,23,24
C. 24,24,18?,20

Well I am really unhappy with my Power Snatch numbers...I have gained strength in every other aspect except this one - 170# was my 1RM two months ago and I failed at 175# today.  After doing some reading, I believe my second of the three pulls is lacking and being done at the wrong moment, the snatch is very technical and I am off just a bit, which makes all the difference in the world.  I am starting the second pull just above the knee as opposed to mid-thigh level, this is not something I noticed while lifting but after reading up on it i believe this was my failure point.  I will get it fixed and move up quickly with the help of Anthony, I have no doubt about that - I look forward to the challenge.  Other than that, I am really happy with how the KBS and AirDyne work went...sustained high level of output on both with very little rest periods.  The 3rd set on the AirDyne the computer monitor froze so I believe I was somewhere around 20-22 cals but the reading was 18 so that's what I recorded...regardless, I know I pushed myself hard on those.  REST DAY tomorrow followed by some more craziness Tuesday....Until then.............

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Sleep was real good last night for the first time in a while, didn't wanna get out of bed but I didn't want Coach to yell at me so I got up after about 9 hours.  Trained today in a fasted state with just Max Energy, Max Glucose and caffeine in my stomach...


1 Wall Ball, 1 Chin Up (COVP)
2 Wall Balls, 2 Chin Ups (COVP)

AND SO ON FOR 12 MINUTES..........

I completed 14 full rounds + 5 wall balls on Round 15.  I tried to move consistently and smoothly between each round, taking a few extra seconds each time as the reps piled up...once I did start each round my goal was to go Unbroken on both movements, which I did.  I feel good about the numbers and my ability to keep my HR in check.  It was EXTREMELY hot in the box and I wasn't near any fans - I'm just sayin it affects performance...looking forward to January weather haha.

I haven't posted nutrition info in a few days because I haven't done any real changes and will stay where I'm at for now with little variations...I am experimenting with an added meal replacement shake at bedtime and it appears to really be helping, I haven't checked my weight but my strength is getting better and that's my focus for now. 

@Bob...well-played with all the biking you've been doing since you know I don't ride, although I may pick it up now just to keep things interesting haha enjoy it while it lasts!!!!! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, August 26th, 2011

Well work made sleep a little tough last night, only got in about 5 hours last night, had to get up and run some errands before hitting the box...1 serving Greens First, Max Energy, Max Glucose and caffeine pre-training...

A. Ass to Grass Front Squats w/Chains; 3,2,1,3,2,1; Rest 2 minutes after sets of 3, rest 3 minutes after sets of 2, rest 5 minutes after sets of 1
B. Dumbbell Farmer Carries for Distance w/heaviest DB in gym; rest 3 minutes x4
C. AMRAP HSPU @Games Standards; rest 4 minutes x3
D. "Floor Wiper" Practice w/135#

A. 230# (x3), 250# (x2), 275# (x1), 250# (x3), 260# (x2), 285# (x1) - All loads include the 45# in chains added each set
B.  First set traveled 100m, last three sets traveled approximately 60m/set (Used 80# DB/Hand)
C. 17,14,13
D. Completed

Front Squats with the chains were very unique, staying back on my heels was the biggest hurdle, but once my legs stabilized everything went well.  Extremely happy with the results on the front squats, my previous 1RM had been 270# (without chains) and today I hit 285# with a little extra ROM and chains - needless to say I'm very happy about my progress here.  DB Farmers Carries got rough on the traps and grip of course but got to 100m the first trip which was good for my first time...like the strongman training even though I'm only 150# haha....HSPU were solid, fatigued traps and forearm strength contributed to some less than impressive numbers but considering how I was feeling I'll take it.  "Floor Wipers" were pretty fun, good core training - did 3 sets of 10 reps, then I practiced free standing handstand holds for about 5 minutes...those are getting better everyday.  Thanks for the help coach and to show my deep appreciation for all you have done to help me improve everyday, let me say this to anyone who may read this (ALL 6-7 of you lol)...


Enjoy everyone, till next time................... 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

A day off yesterday meant a good night's sleep last night....about 9.5-10 hours of good sleep then straight to the box after a serving of Greens First, Max Energy, Max Glucose and 200mg caffeine


30-20-10 reps of:
Box Jumps - 24"


"RANDY" - 75 Power Snatches @75#

PART 1 - 3:55
PART 2 - 6:00

The toes-to-bar/box jump couplet felt really good, was surprised at how good my wind was considering the training cycles I've been in...much better than expected.  The first set of 30 toes-to-bar was Unbroken and the last two sets were completed with just a few breaks for a second or two each - when the grip goes, it really goes haha...all three sets of Box Jumps were Unbroken and real fluid - felt easy.  I rested exactly 15 minutes and then completed "RANDY."  Completing 75 power snatches in 6 minutes felt pretty fast..not sure how it compares to others that have done it??  Considering it was part 2 of training I was really happy with the time and I know the lower back work I've been doing (GHD Raises/back ext./DeadLifts, etc.) helped tremendously...strengthening the lower back for these types of wods was one of my main goals going into this and thanks to Coach it's gotten much stronger...day off tomorrow before gettin back at it Friday.

Hey Bob.....was today the day???????

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Sleep was much better last night...about 9 hours or so and straight to the box after a serving of Greens First, Max Energy, Max Glucose and Caffeine

A. Jerk - Heavy and hold at top for 5 seconds; 5 singles; rest 3 minutes between sets
B. AMRAP Strict Chin Ups @1131; rest 2 minutes x3
3 Rounds of:
--AirDyne Sprints - 25 seconds
--20 Ball Slams (wearing 20# weight vest);
**Rest 90 seconds between rounds**

A. 245#-250-250-250-250
B. 8-6-5
AirDyne/Ball Slam couplet completed w/20# med ball

Happy with the weights used for the jerks....250# was my 1RM not too long ago, felt fast and solid.  The strict chin ups with a 3 seconds upward tempo was different and proved to be difficult - fatigue came quickly.  Couplet to end the day was actually pretty fun, I enjoy the HR jump haha...looking forward to tomorrow.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Well today starts another strength-training cycle...not the best circumstances with the lack of sleep I've gotten (a total of 3 hours since Saturday night) but excited anyways so here we go!

Row 1K for Time
A. Ass-to-Grass Back Squats with Chains; 5,3,2,5,3,2; rest 3-5 min between sets
B. Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups; 15 reps; rest 2 minutes x4
C. AMRAP Push-Ups in 30 seconds; rest 30 seconds x4

Row Time - 3:38

A. 240# (x5), 255 (x3), 270 (x2), 250 (x5), 265 (x3), 275 (x2) (all loads include the 45# in chains)
B. All sets Unbroken
C. 36,30,24,18  - TOTAL = 108 Push Ups

The Row went okay considering my lack of sleep...was hoping for around 3:30 so I'll take it for now but it needs to get better...it def woke me up haha.  Well this was the first time using the chains in a training session with some good weight...loved the feeling of having to stabilize throughout and each rep completed with extra depth.  Like I told coach, each set started out easy enough but became very difficult the last couple reps of each set - I def picked the right weights for my first session but I see my #'s going up quickly.  Pull Ups and Push Ups felt really strong..found it interesting that my push ups decreased by exactly 6 reps each set....thanks coach, looking forward to more chains....  

Thursday, August 18, 2011


@Jon...I like the Myoplex Regular shake - French Vanilla flavor...it gives me an added 42g of Protein I like to take in at bedtime...very convenient, thanks.

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

About 8 hours of sleep last night after a day of work...had to teach prior to training so had some macademia nuts with 1 serving Max Energy, 1 serving Max Glucose, 200mg caffeine then hit my training at about 10a.m.

A. Back Squat Cluster @20X1;; rest 3 minutes x5
B. AMRAP Press @135#; rest 5 minutes x3
C. GHD Sit Ups @2020; 15 reps; rest 1 minute x4

A. All sets completed with 225#
B. 7,6,6
C. Completed as prescribed

Back Squat Cluster felt solid, fast out of the bottom at 225# - the worst part was re-racking the weight after each rep for a total of 25 times...upper back/traps were feelin it by the end...Coach has got some chains coming for future back squat work, real excited about that.  Strict Press was rough, feeling a little shoulder pain after doing the DB External Rotations Tuesday followed by several Burpees at training Wednesday, still pain was slight and feeling fine after some mobility work.  Happy with the number of reps completed here.  GHD Sit Ups @2020 is absolutely brutal, I felt like they were never going to end and the rest periods went by REAL quick haha but still got it done as prescribed - just as tough mentally as physically but still lovin the GHD work...thanks Coach.

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately after):  Liquid Shake w/25g CHO, 55g Protein
+ BCAA+:L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post):  4 oz. smoked salmon, 17oz. coconut water - 12g Fat, 28g Protein, 24g CHO
+1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin

Snack:  16oz. Regular chocolate milk - 16g Fat, 16g Protein, 57g CHO
+1 multivitamin

Snack:  8oz. goats milk w/1 scoop protein and 1 serving Max Fibre - 8g Fat, 11g CHO, 32g Protein

Meal #3:  5 oz. sirloin steak (marinated in olive oil), cucumbers, cherries, cashews - 30g Fat, 40g Protein, 30g CHO
+1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 tsp fish oil

Meal #4:  4 oz. chicken, pistachios, cucumber - 20g Fat, 30g Protein, 10g CHO

Bedtime Snack:  1 Myoplex Protein Shake - 7g Fat, 19g CHO, 42g Protein  

APPROXIMATE DAILY VALUES:  100g Fat, 243g Protein, 176g CHO 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Catching Up...............

Been real busy with work and school  the last few days so I haven't had the chance to post...below is the past 3 days of training....

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

A. Clean Grip Deadlift; Build to a heavy triple
B1. KBS - 2pd (70#); 15 reps; No rest
B2. Toes 2 Bar - 15 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
C. GH Raises vs. light band; 10-12 reps; rest 90 seconds x3

A. 350# (Felt really solid, grip was definitely limiting factor)
B1. All KBS Unbroken - felt light and easy, breathing was good
B2. UB, UB, UB, 10-5 - struggled last two sets, grip was rough here
C. 12 reps all sets - felt easy until last set, will use two bands next time

Monday, August 15th

A. Weighted Chin Ups; 8-10; rest 3 minutes x4
B. Bench Press @20X1; 3-4 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
C. Bent Over Dumbbell Row @20X1; 10-12 reps; rest 2 minutes x3
D. Side Bridge - 30 seconds/side; rest 10 seconds x3/side

A. 53# attached (x9), 53# (x8), 45# (x8), 35# (x6) - last set I underestimated how fatigued I was obviously
B. 200# (x4), 215# (x4), 225# (x4) - felt solid here, nice and controlled
C. 45#/Hand (x12), 55#/Hand (x10), 55#/Hand (x10) - last two sets were rough
D. Completed - easy

Tuesday, August 16th

A. Find 1RM Squat Snatch
B. Dumbbell Split Squat @3020; 10-12/leg; rest 1 minute between legs x3
C. Unachored Sit Ups x100; NOT for Time
D. Dumbbell External Rotations w/20# DB @3010; 8/arm; rest 1 minute between arms x2

A. 175# - Not real happy with this number, hoping for 185#-195#, technique needs to get better as weight increases...everything feels good and solid til the weight increases past 150#; would like to see more heavy snatch work/OHS in future
B. Used 30#/Hand and did 12 reps all sets - these were slow, miserable and brutal..great foundation work
C. Completed
D. Completed

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Well I had a chance to get some good sleep last night but I woke up at 5:30a.m. for no reason and never got back to sleep...awesome.  Anyways, I figured why sit around any longer so I got up around 8:30 and went straight to the box.  

A. Front Squat @20X1; 3-5 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B. Extra Range-of-Motion HSPU; 4-6 reps x6 sets; rest as needed
C. GHD Sit-Ups x50 AFAP (As Fast As Possible)
D. GHD Back Extensions x50 AFAP

A. 225# x5, 255# x3 (failed on 3rd rep), 245# x3
B. 6,6,6,5,6,5
C. 2:00
D. 1:01

Need to get stronger in the front squat...225# felt good but 255# felt really heavy, prob could've got more reps but didn't want to compromise prescribed tempo.  The Extra ROM HSPU were done placing two boxes against the wall, giving me an extra 16" or so...all done strict as well.  Very happy to get back on the GHD machine for the last 2 parts...felt real strong on both exercises but we will see how I feel tomorrow - thats the true test for GHDs...gotta remember to get on the scale tomorrow, time to see if the added chocolate milk and goats milk are making any difference in weight.

Pre-Training:  1 serving Max Energy, Max Glucose, Caffeine, handful of peanuts

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately following):  Liquid Shake w/40g Protein, 50g CHO
+BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Training Meal #2 (1.5 hours following):  sweet potato, applesauce, protein powder, glutamine mix - 40g CHO, 50g Protein
+1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 multivitamin, 1 tsp fish oil

1 serving Max Liver

Meal #3:  4 oz. chicken, broccoli/carrot mix in coconut oil, grapes, pistachios, 16oz. chocolate milk - 45g Protein, 45g Fat, 65g CHO
+1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 multivitamin, 1 tsp fish oil

1 serving Max Fibre

Meal #4:  4.5 oz. salmon, pineapple, broccoli, cashews - 20g Fat, 15g CHO, 30g Protein
+1 multivitamin

Snack:  8 oz. goats milk, 4 slices bacon - 12g Fat, 11g CHO, 12g Protein

Approximate Daily Values:  85g Fat, 181g CHO, 180g Protein

Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday, July 11th, 2011

Sleep was back to average last night, meaning about 6 hours of less-than-good sleep....had some things to get done prior to training, so had small snack prior and hit the box for my session.

TRAINING:  30 minute AMRAP @70%:
-AirDyne - 10 calories
-KBS - 1.5pd (53#) x15
-Russian Step Ups x 16 total steps
-1 Rope Climb

10 Full Rounds

I moved through this one at a really good pace, never getting out of control, just tried to stay at 70% and work the full 30 minutes.  Coach Anthony was there to heckle me about my vacation eating habits and how much it must have sucked doing this wod after all the pizza I ate during my break haha....on a serious note, we did talk about how important learning about how to utilize certain energy systems for certain training - I used to hate these longer wods but I actually really enjoy them now that I've learned how to attack them....It's a learning process but one I'm feeling more comfortable with everyday with the help of Anthony.

Pre-Training Snack:  10oz goats milk, BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix - 8g Fat, 14g CHO, 10g Protein
+ 1 serving Max Energy, 1 serving Max Glucose, caffeine

1 serving Max Liver

Post-Training Meal #1(immediately following):  Liquid Shake w/40g Protein, 100g CHO, 5g L-Glutamine

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post):  sweet potato, applesauce, protein powder, L-Glutamine Mix - 40g CHO, 60g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine

1 serving Max Fibre

Meal #3:  Protein bar - 9g Fat, 26g CHO, 20g Protein
+ 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 3 multivitamins

Snack:  16oz regular chocolate milk - 16g Fat, 16g Protein, 54g CHO

Meal #4:  Liquid Protein shot, LARABAR, pistachios, apple - 50g Protein, 25g Fat, 53g CHO
+2 digestive enzymes, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin
1 serving BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix prior to bed

APPROXIMATE DAILY VALUES:  57g Fat, 285g CHO, 200g Protein

Carb intake was high today but that was based on the training...a 30-min AMRAP in the "sweat box" called for some heavy recovery efforts..rest day tomorrow before some heavy front squats Saturday.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

Sleep was good last night, about 10 hours, but back to reality tonight....(see below for nutrition pre and post training)

PART 1 - 8 min. AMRAP @90% with 20# Weight Vest:
-5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
-10 Wall Balls
-15 Box Jumps - 24"

REST 10 Minutes

Part 2 - 4 Rounds for Time:
-Run 400m
-30 HSPU

PART 1:  4 Rounds + 5 C2B pull-ups + 10 wall balls + 10 Box Jumps
PART 2:  24:13

Completed today's training with Mark C. ....he's doing great and kept up throughout - he's a great example of what hard work can do if you just get at it...No Excuses, No Shortcuts! 

Well the 20# weight vest made things pretty difficult in part 1....Every box jump was tougher and the vest came down on my shoulders each rep, but loved every part of it - hoping to see the vest again soon.  Part 2 looked miserable and it didn't disappoint - I ran a mile total and did 120 HSPU, needless to say my shoulders are SMOKED...ROM on each HSPU was head to ground....Did I mention it was POURING outside while we did this?  So every time we went to do HSPU our hands would slip just making it that much tougher....yes we are crazy. 


Pre-Training Meal (about 3 hours prior to training):  5 slices bacon, 3 eggs, grapes - 20g Fat, 23g Protein, 15g CHO
+1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil, 2 digestive enzymes

1 serving Max Liver

Pre-Training Supplementation:  1 serving Max Energy, 1 serving Max Glucose, 200mg caffeine

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately following):  Liquid shake w/54g Protein, 100g CHO
+BACC+L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post):  small sweet potato, 4.5oz salmon - 30g Protein, 35g CHO
+1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

Meal #3:  Protein Bar - 9g Fat, 26g CHO, 20g Protein

Meal #4:  4oz. chicken, cashews, grapes - 33g Protein, 20g Fat, 24g CHO

Snack:  Liquid Protein shot, pistachios - 45g Protein, 14g Fat, 8g CHO

Snack:  10oz goats milk, BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix - 8g Fat, 12g CHO, 10g Protein

Approximate Daily Values:  80g Fat, 220g CHO, 215g Protein 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Well I'm back after a nice little hiatus from training....I took some time off, rested (and ate) a lot, and hung out with family.  Feeling refreshed, healthy, and anxious to get back at it.  Hit the box after a good shot of caffeine (200mg) on an otherwise empty stomach.

Row 30 minutes @Z1


4 Rounds (NOT for Time):
-10 KB Snatches - Left Arm; rest 15 seconds
-10 KB Snatches - Right Arm; rest 15 seconds
-AMRAP Double Unders for 30 seconds; rest 15 seconds

Row went well, tried to keep it at 65%, which was tough with the heat level in the box....felt loose and nothings hurting several hours later, so body responded well after the layoff.  KB Snatch/DU training completed at a nice, smooth pace - just tried to make sure I was starting each portion after the 15 seconds of rest (would've been very easy to cheat and take a few more seconds)...I used the 53# KB for the snatches and completed all sets Unbroken, didnt cound DU but they got rough after the first two rounds.  Really excited to get some aerobic training in, havent had that in awhile by design, needed to focus on other weaknesses....looking forward to tomorrow, Coach

Post-training meal #1 (immediately post):  Liquid Shake w/25g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine, 80g CHO
+BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix

2 Max Liver Pills (Body definitely needs to flush some toxins over the next 7 days)

Post-Training Meal #2 (1.5 hours post):  4.5 oz smoked salmon (nasty!!!) and 18oz. coconut water - 25g Protein, 22g CHO

1 serving Max Fibre

Meal #3:  5 oz. chicken, cashews, pineapple - 45g Protein, 30g Fat, 20g CHO
+1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 serving Max Glucose

Snack:  16 oz. Regular Chocolate Milk - 16g Fat, 16g Protein, 50g CHO

Meal #4:  4 oz. chicken, grapes, pistachios, 10 oz. goats milk - 40g Protein, 24g Fat, 30g CHO

I need to get some multivitamins since I ran out, nutrition will be right on for a while now after my less-than-paleo diet over the past several days haha 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Sleep was rough last night...only about 5 hours before a long day prior to training....

A. Build to a tough 3 close grip bench press @30X1
B. Build to a tough 3 strict chin ups @30X1
C1. AMRAP (-1) 135# Bench Press; rest 1 minute
C2. AMRAP (-1) Strict bodyweight chin ups; rest 3 minutes x3
D. GHD Sit Ups w/10# plate across chest - 10 reps; rest 1 minute x3

A. 210# (Failed @220#)
B. 85# attached
C1. 21-15-13
C2. 13-13-10
D. Completed

Well definitely wasn't at 100% today because I trained late in the day after a long, tiring day...Haven't done close grip bench in a while and it showed, 210# not bad but wanted more...the 30X1 tempo on that killed me.  Very happy with completing 3 strict chins @30X1 with 85# attached, real strong on those.  C1/C2 couplet was rough but liked the push/pull aspect of it, very beneficial...GHD Sit ups were good end to the day, felt easier than I thought with the 10# plate, can up the reps to 12-15 next time around.

Well, tomorrow is the last day of this training cycle and I will be taking several days off to rest and recover before moving onto the next one...remember we get better when we rest, don't go more than a couple months without taking 5-7 days off, you will always benefit in the long run - we all need the physical and mental break.  Great training cycle coach, looking forward to the next progression!

Breakfast:  Cashews, Protein Bar - 30g Fat, 45g CHO, 35g Protein

Lunch:  3oz. steak, apple, almonds - 25g Protein, 20g Fat, 25g CHO

Snack:  Protein shot, almonds - 45g Protein, 10g Fat

Dinner:  Grilled buffalo chicken salad w/oil&vinegar dressing - 30g Protein, 15g Fat, 20g CHO


Post-Training Meal:  3 Eggs, 4 slices bacon, 6oz. goats milk - 32g Fat, 30g Protein, 8g CHO
+BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix

Snack:  Protein shake w/2 scoops protein, 5g L-Glutamine - 50g Protein

Approximate Daily Values:  107g Fat, 98g CHO, 225g Protein

Train hard everyone...gonna enjoy a few days off and get back at it well-rested.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday, July 24th, 2011 & Monday July 25th, 2011

Sleep for both the past two nights has been rough...sleeping on the days I work is a nightmare and I'm lucky to get 6 hours in, which is what I got these two days.  Trained in fasted state both days after some Max Energy, Glucose and Caffeine

A. 1 Heavy KB Snatch into a TGU every minute for 10 minutes.  Alternate arms each rep.
B. Walking Lunges x 200 reps; short rest.
C. Back Extensions with med ball under chin - 15 reps; rest 45 seconds x4
D. Side Bridge - 45 seconds/side; rest 15 seconds between sides; 3x/side

A. All sets completed with 70# KB
B. Lunges took 5:53 total
C. Used 14# Med Ball all sets
D. Completed

Heavy KB Snatches into TGU went well, happy with using 2pd for all sets, different exercise but liked it.  Walking lunges went fine as well, never rested other than when turning around at one end of the gym to the other.  Back Extensions felt real easy thru two sets but the last two were real rough on the lower back...Side bridges completed without problem.

A. Build to a heavy Deadlift Triple.  Rest as needed.
B. In 7 minutes, complete AMRAP DL with the load from part A.  Hand release on each rep.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Slept forever last night...much needed 10.5 hours of sleep.  Straight to the box in a fasted state after 1 serving Max Energy, Max Glucose, caffeine (200 mg)....

3 Rounds:
-3 Tough Power Cleans - (Loads used/set = 215#, 220#, 225#)
-5 box Jumps - 24"
-20 Double Unders
Rest 5 minutes between rounds


3 Rounds:
-3 Tough Deadlifts - (Loads used/set = 350#, 365#, 370#)
-5 Burpees AFAP (As fast as possible)
-20 Double Unders
Rest 5 minutes between rounds

Power Clean WOD:  1st set done using 215# took :49 to complete...2nd set using 220# took 1:09...3rd set using 225# took 1:04

Dead Lift WOD:  1st set done using 350# took :40 to complete....2nd set using 365# took :45....3rd set using 370# took :45

Satisfied with weights used, Power cleans were def not touch and go but only a couple seconds between each rep to reset grip, really happy with last set completed at 225#....Box Jumps and D/U were a welcome sight after the heavy cleans....DL weights also felt good, again not touch and go but very little rest between reps (2-3 seconds)...Burpees and D/U easy....All sets of D/U today were Unbroken except for the very last one on the DL WOD.

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately post):  Liquid Shake with 80g CHO, 55g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mixture

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post):  Sweet potato, 2 scoops protein, applesauce, 5g L-Glutamine mixture - 40g CHO, 60g Protein
+ 2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

Max Fibre (2 hours post)

Snack - 16oz. regular chocolate Milk - 54g CHO, 16g Fat, 16g Protein
Meal #3:  Lean chicken breast, cashews, apple - 30g Protein, 20g Fat, 25g CHO
+2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

Meal #4:  Full Rack of Ribs, large salad - 40g Fat, 30g CHO, 50g Protein
+2 VMG, 2 digestive enzymes

Snack:  Liquid Protein Shot, almonds, LARABAR - 50g Protein, 25g Fat, 30g CHO

Snack:  4 slices bacon, 10 oz. goats milk - 12g Fat, 15g CHO, 18g Protein

Approximate Daily Values:  275g CHO, 280g Protein, 120g Fat

HUGE eating day here...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Playin' more Catch Up...............

So work has been extremely busy and I have barely had enough time to find time to eat and train, nevermind post anything......I took two days off after doing "Cindy" on Monday, it beat me up pretty good.  So, got back at it Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

A. 4 Muscle Ups on the minute for 5 minutes
B. Accumulate 300 seconds in Handstand Hold on Rings
C. Toes thru Rings slow - 5 reps; rest 1 minute x5

All sets of muscle ups completed with Games Standards, meaning I had to jump from floor to grab rings...this eliminated the possibility of using false grip but all sets completed Unbroken.  I was only suppose to accumulate 200 seconds on the Handstand Hold on Rings but I read it wrong and did 300 seconds, which took a total time of 6:05...my bad coach but great training.  Toes thru Rings also was something different I've never done but good end to the day.

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Row 20 minutes for distance with a heart rate of 140 BPM

Coach wanted me to test out the propert heart rate for this time (20 min.) and I noticed that 140 BPM was much too high for me, I have an extremely slow heart beat and that would have been impossible to sustain for 20 minutes without falling out.  110-115 BPM was more suitable for me...traveled a total of 5K.  This was the first time in a couple months I have been on the rower at all, so happy with how it went.

Although I won't post nutrition for this round, no significant changes here, still doing the 16oz. regular chocolate milk and 8-12oz. of goats milk on training days on top of my normal 5-7 meals with supplementation.  Post-Training Carbs and protein still based on workout.  More cardio/higher heart rate = more carbs/moderate protein (70-100g carbs and 25-35g protein immediately following)..more static lifting/lower intensity = less carbs/high protein (25-50g carbs and and 55-75g protein immediately following)

Looking forward to tomorrow's training...defininitely gonna push some heavy weights tomorrow with Power Cleans and DL in store......................

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Catching Up.............

The last few days have been busy....had a great time with family in town and didn't have much time to post.  Sleep was better, more "normal" the last few days since I took a couple vacation days from work - what a HUGE difference.....

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

TRAINING (Light, Technique work):
A. Overhead Squat @11X1; 12 sets of 2 @55% 1RM; rest 45 seconds between sets
B. Power Clean @70% 1RM; 8 sets of 2; rest 1 minute between sets
C1. GH Raises @20X1; 10-12 reps; rest 1 minute
C2. Side Bridge - 45 seconds/side; rest 1 minute x3

Everything felt fine today, focused on active shoulders, tight back, and full depth on OHS.  Power Cleans felt light and fast, focused on pulls and fast elbows under the bar.  GH Raises and Side Bridge work went well, nice end to the day.

Sunday, July 17th, 2011

A. Find 1RM Back Squat
B. AMRAP Back Squat @85% of 1RM
C. Toes to Bar - 15 reps; rest 1 minute x3

A. 330# (15# PR)
B. Completed 5 reps @280#
C. Completed

Back Squat felt strong, very happy with the 15# PR...getting stronger here and I'm crediting the chocolate milk for my success HAHA....Also, very happy to get 5 reps @280#, I wouldn't have been getting more than 2-3 reps @280# a few months ago - Am I a Buffalo now Coach????  Toes to bar helped get the blood flowing back to the legs...good day.

Monday, July 18th, 2011


AMRAP 20 minutes:
-5 Pull Ups
-10 Push Ups
-15 Squats

23 Total Rounds + 1 Pull Up  (TOTALS = 116 Pull Ups, 230 Push Ups, 345 Squats)

Wasn't sure going into this how I was going to feel but I was encouraged as I worked through it and stayed focused and kept the Heart Rate in check...didn't start to really feel tired til around the 18th-20th Round, still only rested a few seconds every five sets - re-chalked the hands and back on the bar, encouraged by these results.  Thanks Coach I couldn't be happier, changing my regimine and mindset to a certain degree was unsettling initially, but it's all working out well...Trust is key

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Slept ~7 hours last night, early morning training in a fasted, hydrated state...got some running ahead of me today.............

- Spend 15 minutes on mobility - hips, quads, calves, hamstrings
- 30m accelerating runs to 75%; walk back x9; rest 2 minutes actively between sets 3&4 and 6&7
Run 400m @90%; rest 4 minutes actively x4

RESULTS (400m run times):
1. 1:01
2. 1:01
3. 1:04***
4. 1:06

First two run of the 400m went well and recovery between the sets was enough to feel like full recovery...the 3rd run was briefly interrupted as I had to avoid several campers playing tag in the parking lot, so time could have been a couple seconds faster.  After completing the 3rd run, I felt like I got hit with a mack truck - the 4 minutes of recovery wasn't long enough and I felt like I hit a wall..the 4th run at 1:06 was rough, probably closer to max effort than 90% just to get this time...felt good to get some running in, haven't done this in a while.

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately post):  Liquid Shake w/30g CHO, 25g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Training Meal #2 (1.5 hours post):  Grilled chicken salad w/oil and vinegar - 25g Protein, 15g Fat, 10g CHO

Meal #3:  Protein Bar, cashews, pineapple, cherries - 30g Protein, 20g Fat, 35g CHO
+ 2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 digestive enzymes

Meal #4:  Greek salad w/chicken, oven-roasted chicken wings - 40g Protein, 30g Fat, 10g CHO


Nutrition numbers were a little bit lower today, but my schedule had something to do with that, plus I cut my post-training numbers down based on the training for the day....day off Friday and back at it Saturday

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

Not a very good night of sleep, couldn't fall asleep and couldn't stay asleep once I did...probably got a total of 6-7 hours....still feel it was best to get up and go right away because I'll probably just get more tired as the day goes on.  Max Energy, Max Glucose, caffeine pre-training.

A. Press @11X1; 9 sets of 3; rest 75 seconds between sets
B. Bodyweight Strict Pull Ups @11X1; 9 sets of 3; rest 30 seconds between sets
C. Dumbbell External Rotations @3010; 6-8 reps; rest 1 minute x4
D. GHD Sit Ups @2020; 15 reps; rest 1 minute x4

A. Used 135# all sets
B. Completed as prescribed
C. Used 15# DB first 2 sets, 20# DB last 2 sets
D. Completed as prescribed

Pretty easy day today - until I got to the GHD Sit Ups......the tempo on those made me work but got it done as prescribed, 1 minute rest between sets was just enough to allow me to get through each set unbroken.

Post-training Meal #1 (immediately post):  Liquid Shake w/70g CHO, 55g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix

Post-training Meal #2 (2 hour post):  sweet potato, applesauce, 2 scoops protein, 5g L-Glutamine Mixture - 40g CHO, 60g Protein
+ 2VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

1 serving Max Fibre (3 hours post-training)

Snack:  16oz. regular chocolate milk - 16g Fat, 55g CHO, 16g Protein

Meal #3: TBD.................
+ 2VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 digestive enzymes, 1 tsp fish oil

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

Really tired last night, fell asleep about 6 times during the day yesterday then slept for 11.5 hours...much needed.  Had to teach a couple classes today so training was done early in fasted state.  Max Energy, Max Glucose, caffeine shot before training.

Also, below is training I designed so if you think it sucks, it's on me haha...........

A. Front Squat @30X1; 6,4,2,4,6 reps; rest 2 minutes
B. Dumbbell Split Squat @3020; 8-10/leg; rest 1 minute between legs x3
C. Reverse Sled Drag w/210# attached; 60 seconds; rest 3 minutes x4
D. GH Back Extensions; 20 reps; rest 1 minute x3

A. 185#-225-265-225-185
B. Used 25# DB/Hand - 10/leg, 8/leg, 8/leg
C. Completed
D. Completed

Front Squats were tough but really happy with 265# x2...my previous 1RM was 270# but I'm thinking that's gone up...DB split squats are miserable but I put myself through it for some unknown reason (I guess because it's working).  Reverse sled drags are getting much much stronger - 180# used to feel tough and using 210# today felt pretty easy, VMOs feeling like a couple of oversized baby watermelons.  Back Extensions perfect ending to the day, felt strong.

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately after):  Liquid Shake w/100g CHO, 55g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour after):  sweet potato, 2 scoops protein, applesauce, L-Glutamine Mixture - 40g CHO, 50g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine

Meal #3:  5 oz chicken, cashews, strawberries, pineapple - 30g Fat, 30g CHO, 45g Protein
+ 2VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 digestive enzymes, 1 tsp fish oil

1 serving Max Fibre

16oz. Chocolate Milk - 16g Fat, 54g CHO, 16g Protein

Meal #4:  5 slices bacon, 3 eggs - 27g Fat, 28g Protein
+ 2VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 digestive enzymes, 1 tsp fish oil

Snack:  8oz. goats milk - 7g Fat, 11g CHO, 8g Protein


Monday, July 11, 2011

Catching Up..........

Coach Anthony has been laid up with the shoulder surgery so below is something I put together while he recovers...get well soon Coach.

Work has been extremely busy and I have had no time to post the last two days of training so here we go.......

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

Back Squat @30X1; 3,2,1,3,2,1 reps @75%, 85%, 95%, 70%, 80%, 90% (Percentages based off of 315#) - All completed as prescribed

21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlift - 315#
Box Jump - 30"

Time: 9:05

Back Squat is feeling better everyday - looking forward to using chains to get stronger here, also excited to test new 1RM....Deadlift/Box Jump Tester was good for the confidence, honestly just completing it having to do 45 DeadLifts @315# was encouraging and my lower back had very little soreness the days following...feeling strong.

Sunday, July 10th, 2011


10 minute Run @Z1
10 minute bike on AirDyne @Z1


A. TGU - 10 reps/side; slow and steady
B. KBS - 15 reps- HEAVY; rest 1 minute x3
C. GHD Sit Ups - 15 reps; rest 90 seconds x4
D. Double Unders - :30 seconds on/:30 seconds off x8

Needed a day like this....got the HR going but tried to stay at a nice steady pace.  Everything feeling good, no lower back or abdominal soreness.  Used 53# KB for first 8 reps/side, then used 70#KB for last 2 reps/side.  Used 79# KB for KBS and completed all Unbroken.  GHD Sit ups felt easy and double unders went pretty well - few trip ups the last few sets.

On another note, I have added 16oz. of regular chocolate milk to my diet the days I train, which gives me an added 16g Fat, 50g Carbs, 16g Protein - I am hoping to put on another 10 lbs. over the next few months and this might just work....a little trial and error never hurt anyone haha 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, July 8th, 2011

I was so tired last night I passed out around 9 or 10 I think...and didn't wake up til 9:45am....straight to the box after Max Energy, Max Glucose, Caffeine

At 65%, AMRAP 3 minutes:
-10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
-1 strict Muscle Up

Complete 3 rounds w/6 minutes rest between rounds

Tried to stay right around 65% each round, completed exactly 3 sets each time...all pull-ups, HSPU, and MU Unbroken, rest occurred as I moved from one movement to the next - 6 minutes rest between sets was active walking...this concludes another training cycle from Coach, look forward to the next one once he recovers enough to write again HAHA, just kidding Ant!!!! It has been great so far and well worth it.


Post-Training Meal #1(immediately post):  Liquid Shake w/100g CHO, 55g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post-wod):  mashed sweet potato, applesauce, 2 scoops protein, cinnamon, L-Glutamine Mixture - 40g CHO, 50g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine

Meal #3:  2 Chicken&Appple sausages, broccoli/carrot mix, almonds - 35g Fat, 15g CHO, 30g Protein
+ 2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 digestive enzymes

1 serving Max Fibre

Meal #4:  Beef Tenderloin, large salad - 15g Fat, 10g CHO, 40g Protein
+ 2 digestive enzymes, 2 VMG

Snack:  LARABAR, Whey Protein Liquid Shot, pistachios - 25g Fat, 35g CHO, 54g Protein
+ 2 VMG

Snack:  12 oz. goats milk w/1 scoop protein - 10.5g Fat, 15g CHO, 34g Protein
+ 2 VMG 


Although I am getting stronger, my bodyweight has seen very little change so I'm going to try and add even more food and see how that helps....it's gonna be tough because I'm certainly not skimping on the food now, I'm thinking some chocolate milk might help hmmmmmm......................

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Well didn't sleep at all last night, had to be up real early and couldn't get my eyes to shut - rough, rough feeling....

A. Snatch Pulls @115% 1RM Snatch; 3 sets of 3 reps; rest 3 minutes between sets
B. Hang Power Snatch; 3 sets of 2-3 reps; rest 3 minutes between sets
C. Snatch Balance - Heavy Single Rep; rest at needed x5

A. Used 200# all sets
B. 135# (x3 reps), 145# (x3), 150# (x2)
C. 175#-185#-190#-195#-200#

Well glad it was a short training session today, no sleep hurt but happy with the 200# snatch balance, big improvement over last session, which was several months ago (I believe it was a 25# jump).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Sleep was rough last night, only got about 6 hours and hit the box about 1.5 hours after waking...Max Energy, Max Glucose, caffeine pre-training.

A. Push Press @ 115#, 110#, 100#; rest 4 minutes between efforts
B. Kipping Pull-Ups - 25 reps; rest 90 seconds x4
C. GH Raises vs. Light Band; 10-12 reps; rest 90 seconds x4

A. 20-20-20
B. Unbroken, Unbroken, Unbroken, 17/8
C. 12 reps each set vs. 2 light bands

Well Push press was surprisingly tough but I'm happy with hitting 20 reps all sets...shoulders felt strong but forearms and upper arms started to get that lactic acid feeling towards reps 18+.  Very happy with completing first 3 sets of pull ups unbroken considering I haven't done them lately...forearm and grip was also taxed here and could hold on the last set but I'll take it.  GH Raises were easy first 3 sets and fourth got tough, but used 2 bands and didnt feel any worse than using one band last week...very satisfied with lower back work Coach has been prescribing for me, that was definitely one of my many weaknesses...thanks Ant

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately following):  Liquid Shake w/100g CHO, 55g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+BCAA +L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post):  small sweet potato, applesauce, 2 scoops protein, L-Glutamine Mix - 40g CHO, 55g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine

1 serving Max Fibre, 1 serving Max Liver

Meal #3:  4 oz. beef, strawberries, pineapple, almonds - 30g Fat, 20g CHO, 34g Protein
+2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 tsp fish oil

Snack:  16 oz. goats milk w/1 scoop protein, cashews - 30g Fat, 30g CHO, 40g Protein
+2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin

Approximate Daily Values:  70g Fat, 190g CHO, 185g Protein

Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday, July 4th, 2011

Slept many hours last night ~12 hours of much needed rest.  Hit the box about 1.5 hours after waking up after Max Energy, Max Glucose and some caffeine.


- 5 Power Cleans @ Bodyweight (150#)
- 10 Ring Dips

Rest 5 minutes

- 10 Deadlifts @ 135#
- 10 Hand Release Push Ups
- 20 Double Unders

Completed 7 Rounds + 5 Power Cleans of first couplet...stayed fluid and just worked at a consistent pace, no "pukie" speed here.  All sets of power cleans and ring dips were unbroken...Completed 6 Rounds + 10 Deadlifts of the second couplet.  Deadlifts and Push Ups all unbroken and had just one miss on the double unders...tried to keep a bit of a faster pace here without gassing out early.  Feel good about the results considering most of my current training had been strength based as opposed to energy systems work.  Nothing felt too bad today, but the "heat box" felt like 173 degrees and was physically draining haha...Really looked forward to this day and overall happy about it...looking forward to some pull-ups tomorrow, haven't done them in a bit.

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately post):  Liquid shake w/100g CHO, 54g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix

1 serving Max Liver

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post-training):  4 oz. roast beef, 22 oz. coconut water - 22g CHO, 28g Protein

1 serving Max Fibre (2 hours post-training)

Meal #3: LARABAR, cashews, apple, liquid protein shot - 40g Fat, 50g CHO, 35g Protein
+2 VMG, 2 digestive enzymes

Meal #4:  6 oz. chicken, pistachios, strawberries, pineapple - 40g Protein, 20g Fat, 20g CHO

Meal #5:  Grilled chicken salad, 14oz. goats milk w/1 scoop protein - 12g Fat, 20g CHO, 24g Protein
+2 VMG, 2 tsp fish oil, 2 Glucosamine & Chondroitin

Snack:  3 slices bacon, almonds - 10g Fat, 5g CHO, 10g Protein

Approximate Daily Values:  92g Fat, 217g CHO, 190g Protein

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

No work today, so got a "normal" night of sleep ~8 hours and went straight to the box in the a.m. after supplemeting with Max Energy, Max Glucose, shot of caffeine....

A. Back Squat - Find 5RM @30X1; rest as needed
B. Dumbbell Split Squat @3020; 10-12/leg; rest 1 minute between legs x3
C. Anchored Sit Ups - Slow Lower; 20 reps; rest 1 minute x3
D. Dumbbell External Rotation @3010; 10-12/arm; rest 1 minute between arms x2

15-20 minutes on AirDyne between Z1 & Z2, THEN 200m Accelerating runs with 200m walk back (x5)


A. 255# (x5), Completed 265# (x4) but knew I wasn't getting the last rep @ tempo so I didn't wanna cheat the last rep
B. Used 25# DB/Hand for all sets - 11/leg, 10/leg, 10/leg
C. Completed
D. Used 15# DB for all sets - 10 reps/arm all sets

Completed 17:30 minutes on the AirDyne at 60 rpm average, followed by 200m runs (x5)

Finding 5RM Back Squat was interesting - not used to finding a 5RM, so I attacked it with the intent of getting up there quickly with few sets because I knew it was going to take a lot to complete 5 heavy squats @30X1 tempo...made sure I was nice and warmed up prior and went for it....happy with 255# because I didn't compromise on the tempo, could've gotten 265# but the last one would not have been at tempo so I'm not counting it.  Time under tension here was brutal but nothing like the DB split squats.  Doing the split squats with a 3020 tempo meant no breaks and slow down and up, absolutely miserable and tedious...which means they were very beneficial and felt strong on these.  Anchored sit ups were a nice change - even with the slow lower, no problems here.  Same with the DB external rotations - nice way to end this portion of the training and 15# at a 3 second lower was plenty.  AirDyne felt really good and tried to keep at or above 60 RPM the whole time...5 runs @200m accelerating pace was interesting and actually felt really good considering I haven't run at all lately.  Again, had to learn where to start and how to finish, always good to get some running in.

Post-training Meal #1 (immediately following):  Liquid shake w/100g CHO, 50g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix

1 serving Max Liver

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post-training):  Small sweet potato, 4 oz. roast beef
+2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

1 serving Max Fibre (2 hours post training)

Rest of the day's nutrition coming soon.............

One thing I've definintely noticed is I respond better when I train about 1.5 hours after waking in a fasted state outside of some supplementation listed above.  For whatever reason, I just feel better and stronger in this state...I guess it really doesn't matter why this is the way I train best, I just need to find a way to ensure I work my schedule around it to get the most out of each session, no excuses.....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Sleep was decent/average last night ~7 hours...had some things to get done prior to training so had a small snack before hitting the box.

A. Squat Snatch Practice - 7 minutes
B. Hand Release Push Ups - 10 reps; rest 30 seconds x3
C. Back Extensions - 25 reps; rest 45 seconds x4

A. Worked up from empty bar to 135# x3 reps
B. Completed as prescribed
C. Unbroken, Unbroken, 21/4, 17/8

Full squat snatch felt really good technique-wise, not sure if I have gained any weight here as far as a 1RM but that's something I would like to test soon...135# x3 reps was solid but I ran out of time.  Definintely would like to see more snatch work (especially squat snatch) along with OHS.  Hand release push ups went well and back extenstions on the GHD felt great - loved the short rest periods, which forced me to break up the last two sets (I just rested at the top for a second or two and that was enough to finish up)...keep the GHD work coming.  Worked mobility for about 40 minutes and focused on the lower and mid back, IT bands and shoulders...felt 100x better after getting done with the LAX ball and foam roller.  Looking forward to tomorrows heavy back squat 5RM....thanks coach

Pre-training:  LARABAR - 11g Fat, 28g CHO, 4g Protein
+ 1 serving Max Energy, 1 Serving Max Glucose, caffeine (200mg)

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately following):  Liquid Shake w/100g CHO, 50g Protein
+ BCAA+ L-Glutamine Mix (from the company "MRM")

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour following):  small sweet potato, 2 scoops protein, applesauce, 5g L-Glutamine Mixture - 40g CHO, 50g Protein

1 serving Max Fibre, 1 serving Max Liver*** (2 hours post training)

Meal #3:  6 oz grilled chicken, sauteed (in coconut oil) squash and celery, cashews - 25g Fat, 15g CHO, 40g Protein
+4 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil, 2 digestive enzymes

Meal #4:  2 slices low sodium bacon, liquid protein shot, pistachios, 10 oz. goats milk-18g Fat, 20g CHO, 40g Protein
+2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

Lastly:......2 VMG at bedtime  

Approximate Daily Values:  65g Fat, 203g CHO, 184g Protein

***Back on the Max Liver for a week...flushing out the liver for another good month.  Wish I could have gotten a bit more fat in today but I'm happy considering my schedule, did the best I could.