Slept well last about 8 hours of sleep before straight to the box with just the regular serving of Max Energy, Max Glucose, caffeine.
A. Squat Snatch Technique Work - 7 minutes
B. Bench Press @21X1 - 55% of 1RM; 8 sets of 3 reps; rest 45 seconds
M.A.P. (Maximum Aerobic Power) Training:
3 mintues @70% - 10 Wall Balls, 10 Toes to Bar; Rest 6 minutes active x3
A. Went from 65# - 95# - 115# -135# -145#
B. All sets done at 150#
M.A.P. Training - completed 3 rounds of the couplet each set = total 9 sets
Squat Snatch Tech. work done with majority of reps at low weights focusing on pulls and getting under the bar...did a couple at 145# just to test it a little bit, would like to test this with some heavy work on it soon. Bench press felt great, focused on explosion off the chest. M.A.P. Training was good, happy to see this type of training added into the regimine..looking forward to more of the same.
Post-Wod Meal #1 (Immediately following wod): 35g Protein, 70g CHO, 4.5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix
Post-Wod Meal #2: 22 oz. coconut water, 4 oz. roast beef, 1 banana - 50g CHO, 28g Protein
Snack: Liquid Protein Shot, almonds, cherries - 30g Protein, 14g Fat, 30g CHO
Meal #3: 1/2 chicken, salad w/italian dressing - 55g Protein, 10g CHO, 20g Fat
+ 2 digestive enzymes, 1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin
Meal #4: 1 scoop protein w/10 oz. goat's milk, 2 oz. roast beef, cashews - 22g Fat, 45g Protein, 20g CHO
+ 1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 tsp fish oil
Approximate Daily Values: 65g Fat, 180g CHO, 193g Protein
On another note, the Boston Bruins are STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS!!!! Them winning was a perfect example of how important heart is in competition...the Vancouver Canucks were much more talented and skilled but were mentally weak and had no heart...just a thought.....
Oh one more thing....What was that you said on your blog Mark??? Who was gonna raise the cup where??? Just checkin'.....I think you got some corrections to make!!!!!
gotta love the riots afterwards! Classy Canucks! but man Timmy Thomas is the man.. Amazing Finals