Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

Got ~7 hours of sleep, which is pretty good comparted to most nights...Had to teach for an hour before working out so had a morning snack of 1 LARABAR and 1 serving Max Energy, 1 serving Max Glucose

A. L-Pull Ups w/Mixed Grip - AMRAP; rest 5 minutes x3
B. Barbell Step Ups @4121; 8/leg; rest 1 minute between legs x4
C. Dumbbell Alternating Lunges to a 4" step; 8-10/leg; rest 2 minutes x3
D. Side Bridge - 45 seconds/side; 4/side; rest 10 seconds between sides

A. 15, 17, 15
B. 65# Barbell, 75#, 75#, 85#
C. 45# dumbbell/hand x10 each leg, 55# x8 each leg, 55# x8 each leg
D. All completed Unbroken

Very happy with reps on L-Pull Ups, kept strict form all reps...all the weighted pull ups have paid off.  Step ups were brutal with the 2 seconds up and 4 seconds down tempo, balance was key here.  Alternating Lunges to 4" were done with a slower descent with explosive push off from the toes back to the top, weights got heavy but completed prescribed reps each time.  Side bridges are always rough but completed unbroken...Off day Wednesday, back at it Thursday.


As mentioned above, had 1 LARABAR (11g Fat, 28g CHO, 4g Protein) pre-wod

Post-Wod Meal #1 (immediately following wod):  70g CHO, 35g Protein, 9g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix

Rest of the day I treated myself to some cheat meals.....

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