Wednesday's Training:
A. Build to a Tough but Technical 3 rep Power Clean
B. KBS - 1.5pd; 30 reps Unbroken, rest as needed x3
3 Sets @85%:
30 second Reverse Sled Drag w/185#
200m Run
--Rest 3 minutes actively between sets
A. 210#
B. Rested one minute between sets
Power Clean felt pretty good today, had a long day at work so struggled to focus but still happy with technique..KBS were pretty light, 1 min was def enough rest, maybe 45 seconds rest next time. Rev Sled Drag/Run was brutal on my tired legs but go thru it, focused on high turnover on drags and pushed myself on the runs.
Thurday's Training:
A.M. Session:
A. Push Press; 2-3 reps; rest 3 minutes x5
B. Tabata Push Ups; record lowest reps
Row 2K under 8 minutes
P.M. Session:
Swim 10 minutes @Z1 w/bilateral breathing
25m underwater; rest 1 minute x8
Swim 10 minutes @Z1 w/bilateral breathing
A.M. session went well - Push Pressed 185# (x3), 195# (x3), 200# (x2 ...on last 3 sets). Hit 10 as my low score on push ups - shoulders were SMOKED from heavy push press...completed row in 7:48, legs felt like falling off lol...I need rest for my legs badly. P.M. session was very very interesting, I never swim and I am not good at it...happy to do it and I know its a weakness so I'll never say no but it still sucked. Something else to learn, yaaaaaaaaaaa.....................
Program design by Anthony DiSarro, Owner/Head Trainer of Crossfit Redline - Naples, FL, utilizing training concepts and principles from James "OPT" Fitzgerald
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24th & Sunday, September 25th, 2011
A. Bench Press w/Chains; 8,6,4; rest 3 minutes
B. Weighted Strict Chin Ups with 1/3 bodyweight attached; AMRAP; Rest 3-5 minutes (1 Attempt)
C. Weighted Strict Chin Ups with 1/4 bodyweight attached; AMRAP (1 Attempt)
A. 135#(180# w/chains)-155#(200#) -170#(215#)
B. 9 reps w/50# attached
C. 9 reps w/ 37.5# attached
Pretty easy, slow day today which I really needed...legs were smoked from this week's training and I played hockey this morning so this was perfect. First time using the chains on the Bench which I really liked - enjoying anything with chains for sure....
A. Find your 3RM Deadlift
B. GH Raises vs. Light Band; 10 reps; rest 1 minute x5
15 Minute AMRAP:
--3 Bar Muscle Ups
--20 Double Unders
--3 Deadlifts @275#
--20 Calories on AirDyne
A. 400#
B. Completed
6 Full Rounds + 3 Bar Muscle Ups
Happy with the 3RM DL @400#, I was hoping to hit 400# and it felt really solid - last rep was tough but completed....wasn't touch and go but just a second at the bottom to reset, very fast here....GH Raises were rough after the DL but def need the lower back work so good to see these again. AMRAP felt really smooth as well....the killer was the AirDyne (of course), getting thru 20 cals at that point was a grind. Loved it though, def something I can accel at....til next time....OH WAIT I GOT ONE MORE THING TO ADDRESS*****
So, most of you have seen me and Mark battle back and forth in a good natured verbal war on our blogs; however, it had stopped for a bit and I thought maybe we could finally both be adults and stop the nonsense. I WAS WRONG...he took an UNPROVOKED shot at me and told me to "Go back to drooling over pics of Tom Brady"
Well, shame on me for thinking someone from Philly could be honorable...I mean this is a place where sports fan throw batteries at opposing players, throw snow balls at santa claus and have a football stadium with its own jail cell underneath the bad....oh wait did I mention there Quarterback is a Convicted Felon???? WHATEVER, I'll take Tom Brady, First Ever Unanimous MVP in NFL history, any day of the week.....and yes I occassionally drool over him - not that there's anything wrong with that haha
A. Bench Press w/Chains; 8,6,4; rest 3 minutes
B. Weighted Strict Chin Ups with 1/3 bodyweight attached; AMRAP; Rest 3-5 minutes (1 Attempt)
C. Weighted Strict Chin Ups with 1/4 bodyweight attached; AMRAP (1 Attempt)
A. 135#(180# w/chains)-155#(200#) -170#(215#)
B. 9 reps w/50# attached
C. 9 reps w/ 37.5# attached
Pretty easy, slow day today which I really needed...legs were smoked from this week's training and I played hockey this morning so this was perfect. First time using the chains on the Bench which I really liked - enjoying anything with chains for sure....
A. Find your 3RM Deadlift
B. GH Raises vs. Light Band; 10 reps; rest 1 minute x5
15 Minute AMRAP:
--3 Bar Muscle Ups
--20 Double Unders
--3 Deadlifts @275#
--20 Calories on AirDyne
A. 400#
B. Completed
6 Full Rounds + 3 Bar Muscle Ups
Happy with the 3RM DL @400#, I was hoping to hit 400# and it felt really solid - last rep was tough but completed....wasn't touch and go but just a second at the bottom to reset, very fast here....GH Raises were rough after the DL but def need the lower back work so good to see these again. AMRAP felt really smooth as well....the killer was the AirDyne (of course), getting thru 20 cals at that point was a grind. Loved it though, def something I can accel at....til next time....OH WAIT I GOT ONE MORE THING TO ADDRESS*****
So, most of you have seen me and Mark battle back and forth in a good natured verbal war on our blogs; however, it had stopped for a bit and I thought maybe we could finally both be adults and stop the nonsense. I WAS WRONG...he took an UNPROVOKED shot at me and told me to "Go back to drooling over pics of Tom Brady"
Well, shame on me for thinking someone from Philly could be honorable...I mean this is a place where sports fan throw batteries at opposing players, throw snow balls at santa claus and have a football stadium with its own jail cell underneath the bad....oh wait did I mention there Quarterback is a Convicted Felon???? WHATEVER, I'll take Tom Brady, First Ever Unanimous MVP in NFL history, any day of the week.....and yes I occassionally drool over him - not that there's anything wrong with that haha
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21st & Thursday, September, 22nd, 2011
Wednesday's Training:
A. Snatch Grip DL from 4" Block; 2-3 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B1. Power Snatch - 115#; 7 reps; rest 10 seconds
B2. Toes to Rings; 20 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
C. Side Bridge; 45 seconds/side; rest 15 seconds x3/side
A. 215#-225#-225# (completed 3 reps/set)
B1/B2 - 1:10,1:04,1:05
C. Completed
Snatch Grip DL with extended ROM was good training, something I think I need more of - I think it can help with posterior chain strength and that initial pull on the snatch. Snatch/Toes2Rings couplet was really rough on the grip but the power snatches felt easy and fast, def need the snatch work so it was good. Side Bridges completed with no problem.
Thursday's Training:
A1. DB Press from seated position on floor; 10-12 reps; rest 90 seconds
A2. L-Pull-Up; AMRAP (-1); rest 90 seconds x3
10 Rounds:
3 HSPU - Hands on Floor
3 Muscle Ups
A1. 30# DB/Hand (x12), 35# DB/Hand (x12), 45# DB/Hand (x10)
A2. 16,12,11
Time: 10:40
Well presses from the floor were different, really had to focus on keeping back tight and legs straight in front of me, tough to get any help from other muscle groups, good isolation work especially when combined with the L-Pull Ups. Again back had to stay tight and legs straight...this couplet smoked by shoulders and lats, which made the HSPU/MU tester miserable. Hoping for a much better time on that but it wasn't happening, upper body was struggling, still just happy to complete it. Good few days of training, day off tomorrow and back at it Saturday.....................
A. Snatch Grip DL from 4" Block; 2-3 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B1. Power Snatch - 115#; 7 reps; rest 10 seconds
B2. Toes to Rings; 20 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
C. Side Bridge; 45 seconds/side; rest 15 seconds x3/side
A. 215#-225#-225# (completed 3 reps/set)
B1/B2 - 1:10,1:04,1:05
C. Completed
Snatch Grip DL with extended ROM was good training, something I think I need more of - I think it can help with posterior chain strength and that initial pull on the snatch. Snatch/Toes2Rings couplet was really rough on the grip but the power snatches felt easy and fast, def need the snatch work so it was good. Side Bridges completed with no problem.
Thursday's Training:
A1. DB Press from seated position on floor; 10-12 reps; rest 90 seconds
A2. L-Pull-Up; AMRAP (-1); rest 90 seconds x3
10 Rounds:
3 HSPU - Hands on Floor
3 Muscle Ups
A1. 30# DB/Hand (x12), 35# DB/Hand (x12), 45# DB/Hand (x10)
A2. 16,12,11
Time: 10:40
Well presses from the floor were different, really had to focus on keeping back tight and legs straight in front of me, tough to get any help from other muscle groups, good isolation work especially when combined with the L-Pull Ups. Again back had to stay tight and legs straight...this couplet smoked by shoulders and lats, which made the HSPU/MU tester miserable. Hoping for a much better time on that but it wasn't happening, upper body was struggling, still just happy to complete it. Good few days of training, day off tomorrow and back at it Saturday.....................
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tuesday, September 20th, 2011
Back at it after a couple days off following Fight Gone Bad (383 points)....had a lot of fun participating but it's a rough one and I needed a couple days to recover. Felt good about my score considering the less than ideal conditions.
Sleep was good last night ~8 hours, so hit training early as I could because it's so hot in there right now....
A. Back Squat @85% 1RM; 4 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B. DB Lunge to 4" step; 10-12 alternating legs each step; rest 90 seconds x3
5 Sets:
--10 Burpees with 2 push ups @the bottom
--30 Double Unders
--15 KBS - 2pd.
Rest 3:30 between sets
A. Used 280# all sets
B. Used 55# DB/Hand on first set (x12), used 65# DB/Hand on last 2 sets (x10)
Completed each set between 1:35-2:00
Back Squats are feeling good, happy with 4 sets of 4 @280#, hopefully my foundation is getting stronger...Lunges were rough, toughest part was holding the DBs in each hand and hips started to really feel it after the second set. Burpee/DU/KBS was really rough, it was extremely tough to breathe in there and couldn't get going too fast...all reps of each exercise completed Unbroken and everything felt smooth considering the heat.
Sleep was good last night ~8 hours, so hit training early as I could because it's so hot in there right now....
A. Back Squat @85% 1RM; 4 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B. DB Lunge to 4" step; 10-12 alternating legs each step; rest 90 seconds x3
5 Sets:
--10 Burpees with 2 push ups @the bottom
--30 Double Unders
--15 KBS - 2pd.
Rest 3:30 between sets
A. Used 280# all sets
B. Used 55# DB/Hand on first set (x12), used 65# DB/Hand on last 2 sets (x10)
Completed each set between 1:35-2:00
Back Squats are feeling good, happy with 4 sets of 4 @280#, hopefully my foundation is getting stronger...Lunges were rough, toughest part was holding the DBs in each hand and hips started to really feel it after the second set. Burpee/DU/KBS was really rough, it was extremely tough to breathe in there and couldn't get going too fast...all reps of each exercise completed Unbroken and everything felt smooth considering the heat.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Catchin' Up............
A. Muscle Up Practice - 7 minutes
B. Work up to a tough but technical 3-rep Power Clean
Met-Con - 2 Rounds for Time:
10 Muscle Ups
20 Wall Balls
30 Anchored Sit Ups
40 Push Ups
50 Squats
A. Worked on strict, false grip, regular grip all at different heights
B. Worked up to 215# x3, then back to 195# x3 - which was much better technically speaking
Met-Con Time - 10:46
Well Power Cleans didn't feel great today but I will take 215# x3 on an off day for now...195# felt much better in terms of form so that will be my true 3-rep for the day. Met-Con went well I's amazing how tiring everything else was after the 10 MU, they feel pretty easy while I'm doing them but they destroyed me for the rest of the movements...everything just compounded from there. First round all exercises were Unbroken and second round was all broken up the gymnastic met-cons.
30 Seconds of 3 Burpees & 3 CTB Pull Ups
30 Seconds of 3 KBS (2pd) & 3 Box Jumps (24")
30 Seconds of 3 Toes to Bar & 3 HSPU
**Complete for rounds of the above each set***
Rest 5 minutes x3
This was one where I just moved nice and smooth for 30 seconds at each couplet before moving onto the next...I tried not to redline as it was more of a lighter day. Everything felt fine off tomrrow and back at it Tuesday.
7 Minute AMRAP:
10 Pull Ups (COVP)
10 Pistols
4 Minute AMRAP:
Deadlifts @275#
7 Minute AMRAP - 8 Full Rounds + 6 Pull Ups
4 Minute AMRAP - 36 Reps
Well obviously I am built better for the first AMRAP and felt like I moved really well through this one...looking back I could've done better using Butterfly Pull Ups, although it was COVP I couldve at least done a few sets butterfly style and ended up with a better score...still real happy with how the pistols went and all sets of pull ups were Unbroken. I was only able to rest about 10-15 minutes before the DL tester and my hips were still pulsing from all the pistols. Completing 36 reps @275# was really rough but not bad considering....till tomorrow.....
A. Muscle Up Practice - 7 minutes
B. Work up to a tough but technical 3-rep Power Clean
Met-Con - 2 Rounds for Time:
10 Muscle Ups
20 Wall Balls
30 Anchored Sit Ups
40 Push Ups
50 Squats
A. Worked on strict, false grip, regular grip all at different heights
B. Worked up to 215# x3, then back to 195# x3 - which was much better technically speaking
Met-Con Time - 10:46
Well Power Cleans didn't feel great today but I will take 215# x3 on an off day for now...195# felt much better in terms of form so that will be my true 3-rep for the day. Met-Con went well I's amazing how tiring everything else was after the 10 MU, they feel pretty easy while I'm doing them but they destroyed me for the rest of the movements...everything just compounded from there. First round all exercises were Unbroken and second round was all broken up the gymnastic met-cons.
30 Seconds of 3 Burpees & 3 CTB Pull Ups
30 Seconds of 3 KBS (2pd) & 3 Box Jumps (24")
30 Seconds of 3 Toes to Bar & 3 HSPU
**Complete for rounds of the above each set***
Rest 5 minutes x3
This was one where I just moved nice and smooth for 30 seconds at each couplet before moving onto the next...I tried not to redline as it was more of a lighter day. Everything felt fine off tomrrow and back at it Tuesday.
7 Minute AMRAP:
10 Pull Ups (COVP)
10 Pistols
4 Minute AMRAP:
Deadlifts @275#
7 Minute AMRAP - 8 Full Rounds + 6 Pull Ups
4 Minute AMRAP - 36 Reps
Well obviously I am built better for the first AMRAP and felt like I moved really well through this one...looking back I could've done better using Butterfly Pull Ups, although it was COVP I couldve at least done a few sets butterfly style and ended up with a better score...still real happy with how the pistols went and all sets of pull ups were Unbroken. I was only able to rest about 10-15 minutes before the DL tester and my hips were still pulsing from all the pistols. Completing 36 reps @275# was really rough but not bad considering....till tomorrow.....
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7th & Thursday, Sept. 8th, 2011
A. Back Squat @80% 1RM; 4 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B. DB Walking Lunges - Heavy; 18 steps; rest 90 seconds x3
4 sets @80%:
Run 200m
15 GHD Sit Ups
16 Walking Lunges
15 Toes to Bar
--Rest 5 minutes between sets--
A. Used 265# for all sets
B. 55#DB/Hand, 65#, 65#
Sets completed between 2:20-2:40
Back Squats got very challenging by the last set but still felt solid throughout, feeling stronger with the back squat. Heavy Walking lunges were brutal, especially the last two sets carrying 65#DB in each hand, I really wanted to drop them but I completed the 18 steps each set, real happy with the weights used here. The metcon session felt good, all sets of GHDs and lunges unbroken, and all but the second set of toes to bar were Unbroken...hands just slipped on the second set after the 11th rep but overall pleased with my efforts.
A. Ring Inversions w/slow lower - stay as straight as possible x10
B. TGU; 1 heavy rep each minute for 8 minutes; alternate arms
C. 20 Minutes on AirDyne for Max Calories
A. Completed
B. Completed with 2pood KB
C. 290 Cals
Well ring inversions and TGU were nice and smooth...then I got hit by that bus....20 Minutes on the AirDyne is equivalent to having your eyebrows pulled out with a pair of tweezers. My legs were tired from yesterdays lunges and squats and I knew within the first 30 seconds on the bike that it was gonna be even more miserable than usual. I just couldnt get into a nice rhythm and legs were fighting the whole's the positive side of it, I completed it at less than 100% and found out that I could push through the pain for a longer time frame. Next time the 20 min AirDyne adventure will be well over 300 cals.......til next time!!!
A. Back Squat @80% 1RM; 4 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B. DB Walking Lunges - Heavy; 18 steps; rest 90 seconds x3
4 sets @80%:
Run 200m
15 GHD Sit Ups
16 Walking Lunges
15 Toes to Bar
--Rest 5 minutes between sets--
A. Used 265# for all sets
B. 55#DB/Hand, 65#, 65#
Sets completed between 2:20-2:40
Back Squats got very challenging by the last set but still felt solid throughout, feeling stronger with the back squat. Heavy Walking lunges were brutal, especially the last two sets carrying 65#DB in each hand, I really wanted to drop them but I completed the 18 steps each set, real happy with the weights used here. The metcon session felt good, all sets of GHDs and lunges unbroken, and all but the second set of toes to bar were Unbroken...hands just slipped on the second set after the 11th rep but overall pleased with my efforts.
A. Ring Inversions w/slow lower - stay as straight as possible x10
B. TGU; 1 heavy rep each minute for 8 minutes; alternate arms
C. 20 Minutes on AirDyne for Max Calories
A. Completed
B. Completed with 2pood KB
C. 290 Cals
Well ring inversions and TGU were nice and smooth...then I got hit by that bus....20 Minutes on the AirDyne is equivalent to having your eyebrows pulled out with a pair of tweezers. My legs were tired from yesterdays lunges and squats and I knew within the first 30 seconds on the bike that it was gonna be even more miserable than usual. I just couldnt get into a nice rhythm and legs were fighting the whole's the positive side of it, I completed it at less than 100% and found out that I could push through the pain for a longer time frame. Next time the 20 min AirDyne adventure will be well over 300 cals.......til next time!!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tuesday, September 6th, 2011
Sleep was good last night...about 8 hours and straight to the box to train before teaching the 10am....
A. Muscle Snatch - 10 Heavy Singles
B. Hang Power Snatch - technique work for 10 minutes
C. Overhead Squats - 3 sets of 5 reps; Heavy; rest 3 minutes between sets
A. 135#-145-150-155-160-155-150-150-145-145
B. Used 95#-115 over 10 minutes
C. 155#-160-170
Well, needless to say I need a lot of work on all forms of the snatch....My muscle snatch was only about 10# less than my 1RM Power Snatch, which tells me my power snatch is essentially a muscle snatch - not good. I will just keep working and focusing on my second pull, which was the focus on the hang power snatch. As I tried to keep the bar close to my body and arms straight, I found myself off-balance and shuffling my feet each rep, gotta get this right - very frustrating. Towards the end of the OHS I began to feel a tug in my right tricep that really started bothering me, hopefully its nothing but we will see as the day goes on...gonna put an ice cup on the tricep to try and get it healed quickly.
A. Muscle Snatch - 10 Heavy Singles
B. Hang Power Snatch - technique work for 10 minutes
C. Overhead Squats - 3 sets of 5 reps; Heavy; rest 3 minutes between sets
A. 135#-145-150-155-160-155-150-150-145-145
B. Used 95#-115 over 10 minutes
C. 155#-160-170
Well, needless to say I need a lot of work on all forms of the snatch....My muscle snatch was only about 10# less than my 1RM Power Snatch, which tells me my power snatch is essentially a muscle snatch - not good. I will just keep working and focusing on my second pull, which was the focus on the hang power snatch. As I tried to keep the bar close to my body and arms straight, I found myself off-balance and shuffling my feet each rep, gotta get this right - very frustrating. Towards the end of the OHS I began to feel a tug in my right tricep that really started bothering me, hopefully its nothing but we will see as the day goes on...gonna put an ice cup on the tricep to try and get it healed quickly.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday, September, 3rd, 2011
I took a rest day yesterday in preparation for the 31 HEROES partner WOD was a tough one but that was the idea, we did our small part of honoring the fallen heroes and donating to the Navy Seals Foundation...these are the types of events everyone should contribute to if possible, there is no better cause...THANK YOU to everyone from Redline that came to compete along side us or came out to cheer and show their support, it's truly appreciated.
31 HEROES was a 31 minute AMRAP with a partner:
Partner #1 started with 8 Thrusters @155#, followed by 6 rope climbs, followed by 11 Box Jumps @30" as Partner #2 ran 400m with a 45# sand bag (although we only had 50# medicine balls or a 45# bumper plate...MISERABLE)...when Partner #2 returned from the run, they switched and Partner #1 ran the 400m as Partner #2 took over wherever the partner left off...your team's score was the total number of reps completed on the AMRAP
I partnered up with Mark and I'm real happy with how well we did at the prescribed weight. Mark did a great job and completed more than his fair share of the work...I only hope to be near his level at the age of 41, it was really impressive. I started off on the Thrusters and completed the first set of 8 Unbroken, as well as 4 or 5 of the rope climbs...I can't remember exactly, its all a blur at this point. Anyways, we stayed steady and consistent and just worked the entire 31 minutes at a nice pace...the idea was to keep the HR in check, which I think we both did a good job with. After Round 1 most of the rounds were pretty consistent and we were getting done close to the same point in the AMRAP each rotation.
Also, I gotta thank Anthony for my programming over the past couple months. Every set of thrusters I completed were Unbroken and felt pretty easy considering the strength is improving and my ability to work longer without "blacking out" is really improving. In regards to training, having Ant program for me has been the best move I could have day tomorrow and back at it Monday if I'm fully recovered. If not, I'll get back at it Tuesday....oh ya I plan on consuming about 3,451,759 grams of BCAAs over the next 24-48 hours (that's just a rough estimate haha).
31 HEROES was a 31 minute AMRAP with a partner:
Partner #1 started with 8 Thrusters @155#, followed by 6 rope climbs, followed by 11 Box Jumps @30" as Partner #2 ran 400m with a 45# sand bag (although we only had 50# medicine balls or a 45# bumper plate...MISERABLE)...when Partner #2 returned from the run, they switched and Partner #1 ran the 400m as Partner #2 took over wherever the partner left off...your team's score was the total number of reps completed on the AMRAP
I partnered up with Mark and I'm real happy with how well we did at the prescribed weight. Mark did a great job and completed more than his fair share of the work...I only hope to be near his level at the age of 41, it was really impressive. I started off on the Thrusters and completed the first set of 8 Unbroken, as well as 4 or 5 of the rope climbs...I can't remember exactly, its all a blur at this point. Anyways, we stayed steady and consistent and just worked the entire 31 minutes at a nice pace...the idea was to keep the HR in check, which I think we both did a good job with. After Round 1 most of the rounds were pretty consistent and we were getting done close to the same point in the AMRAP each rotation.
Also, I gotta thank Anthony for my programming over the past couple months. Every set of thrusters I completed were Unbroken and felt pretty easy considering the strength is improving and my ability to work longer without "blacking out" is really improving. In regards to training, having Ant program for me has been the best move I could have day tomorrow and back at it Monday if I'm fully recovered. If not, I'll get back at it Tuesday....oh ya I plan on consuming about 3,451,759 grams of BCAAs over the next 24-48 hours (that's just a rough estimate haha).
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Catchin' Up........
Tuesday, August, 30th, 2011
5 Rounds:
20 Unbroken Back squats
25 Unbroken KBS - 1.5pd (53#)
--Rest 4 minutes sets
I used 135# for all sets of the back squats...I have never done such high volume of Unbroken reps so I wasn't real sure where to start or where I was going but I'm glad I chose the right weight. My lower back was ready to snap in half - at least that's how I felt after the first two rounds....the "Unbroken" mentality is a different animal and it made me push through some pretty intense discomfort. I could've gone higher in weight on the back squat but I never would have been able to finish the KBS unbroken if I did and then the point of the workout is lost....good mental test here.
Wednesday, August 31st
A. Box Jump Rebound practice - 30"; 5 sets of 10
B1. 135# Thruster x5; rest 10 seconds
B2. 2 Rope Ascents; rest 1 minute x3...decrease rest period to 30 seconds for last set
C. Sand Bag Half Moons; 8-10; rest 2 minutes x3
D. GHD Sit Ups; 12-15 reps; rest 45 seconds x3
A. Completed with a minute rest between sets, all reps fast and unbroken
B1/B2. All Thrusters Unbroken, rope climbs felt pretty easy til last set
C. Used approx. 50# (2 sand bags in casing); completed 8 reps on first 2 sets and 10 reps last
D. 15 reps all sets
Good day of training with alot of core work...building a strong core-to-extremity base, I like it!
Thursday, September 1st
M.A.P. TRAINING - 5 Sets @ 80% Maximum Aerobic Power:
--Run 800m
--7 Toes-to-Bar
--7 HSPU (Games Standards)
--5 Muscle Ups (Games height)
--Run 800m
--7 Toes-to-Bar
--7 HSPU (Games Standards)
--5 Muscle Ups (Games height)
Rest actively 5 minutes between sets (Record Times and HR for each set)
1. 9:56 172
2. 9:37 172
3. 9:28 172
4. 9:36 172
5. 9:34 172
First off, no that wasn't a typing error, my HR was the same at the end of each set..I took it right after finishing each round, which was very interesting and telling. My ability to sustain a certain level was great and I stayed well within my limits, never getting my HR out of whack. I felt like my first set was more at 75% so I went a bit harder and found out I was right - I wasn't quite at 80% at first. I completed each and every set of toes-to-bar, HSPU and MU Unbroken, which was another goal. There is no reason why I couldn't accomplish that at 80%.
So, I ran a total of 5 miles, completed 70 toes-to-bar, 70 HSPU, and 50 Muscle Ups today.....I am tired and sore, so a rest day tomorrow before tackling 31 HEROES with Mark C. on Saturday at CF Blaze...very interested to see how I recover from this but I'm not worried because of my nutrition, that will take care of it. THANKS COACH.
5 Rounds:
20 Unbroken Back squats
25 Unbroken KBS - 1.5pd (53#)
--Rest 4 minutes sets
I used 135# for all sets of the back squats...I have never done such high volume of Unbroken reps so I wasn't real sure where to start or where I was going but I'm glad I chose the right weight. My lower back was ready to snap in half - at least that's how I felt after the first two rounds....the "Unbroken" mentality is a different animal and it made me push through some pretty intense discomfort. I could've gone higher in weight on the back squat but I never would have been able to finish the KBS unbroken if I did and then the point of the workout is lost....good mental test here.
Wednesday, August 31st
A. Box Jump Rebound practice - 30"; 5 sets of 10
B1. 135# Thruster x5; rest 10 seconds
B2. 2 Rope Ascents; rest 1 minute x3...decrease rest period to 30 seconds for last set
C. Sand Bag Half Moons; 8-10; rest 2 minutes x3
D. GHD Sit Ups; 12-15 reps; rest 45 seconds x3
A. Completed with a minute rest between sets, all reps fast and unbroken
B1/B2. All Thrusters Unbroken, rope climbs felt pretty easy til last set
C. Used approx. 50# (2 sand bags in casing); completed 8 reps on first 2 sets and 10 reps last
D. 15 reps all sets
Good day of training with alot of core work...building a strong core-to-extremity base, I like it!
Thursday, September 1st
M.A.P. TRAINING - 5 Sets @ 80% Maximum Aerobic Power:
--Run 800m
--7 Toes-to-Bar
--7 HSPU (Games Standards)
--5 Muscle Ups (Games height)
--Run 800m
--7 Toes-to-Bar
--7 HSPU (Games Standards)
--5 Muscle Ups (Games height)
Rest actively 5 minutes between sets (Record Times and HR for each set)
1. 9:56 172
2. 9:37 172
3. 9:28 172
4. 9:36 172
5. 9:34 172
First off, no that wasn't a typing error, my HR was the same at the end of each set..I took it right after finishing each round, which was very interesting and telling. My ability to sustain a certain level was great and I stayed well within my limits, never getting my HR out of whack. I felt like my first set was more at 75% so I went a bit harder and found out I was right - I wasn't quite at 80% at first. I completed each and every set of toes-to-bar, HSPU and MU Unbroken, which was another goal. There is no reason why I couldn't accomplish that at 80%.
So, I ran a total of 5 miles, completed 70 toes-to-bar, 70 HSPU, and 50 Muscle Ups today.....I am tired and sore, so a rest day tomorrow before tackling 31 HEROES with Mark C. on Saturday at CF Blaze...very interested to see how I recover from this but I'm not worried because of my nutrition, that will take care of it. THANKS COACH.
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