Thursday, September 1, 2011

Catchin' Up........

Tuesday, August, 30th, 2011

5 Rounds:
20 Unbroken Back squats
25 Unbroken KBS - 1.5pd (53#)
--Rest 4 minutes sets

I used 135# for all sets of the back squats...I have never done such high volume of Unbroken reps so I wasn't real sure where to start or where I was going but I'm glad I chose the right weight.  My lower back was ready to snap in half - at least that's how I felt after the first two rounds....the "Unbroken" mentality is a different animal and it made me push through some pretty intense discomfort.  I could've gone higher in weight on the back squat but I never would have been able to finish the KBS unbroken if I did and then the point of the workout is lost....good mental test here.

Wednesday, August 31st

A. Box Jump Rebound practice - 30"; 5 sets of 10
B1. 135# Thruster x5; rest 10 seconds
B2. 2 Rope Ascents; rest 1 minute x3...decrease rest period to 30 seconds for last set
C. Sand Bag Half Moons; 8-10; rest 2 minutes x3
D. GHD Sit Ups; 12-15 reps; rest 45 seconds x3

A. Completed with a minute rest between sets, all reps fast and unbroken
B1/B2. All Thrusters Unbroken, rope climbs felt pretty easy til last set
C. Used approx. 50# (2 sand bags in casing); completed 8 reps on first 2 sets and 10 reps last
D. 15 reps all sets

Good day of training with alot of core work...building a strong core-to-extremity base, I like it!

Thursday, September 1st

M.A.P. TRAINING - 5 Sets @ 80% Maximum Aerobic Power:
--Run 800m
--7 Toes-to-Bar
--7 HSPU (Games Standards)
--5 Muscle Ups (Games height)
--Run 800m
--7 Toes-to-Bar
--7 HSPU (Games Standards)
--5 Muscle Ups (Games height)

Rest actively 5 minutes between sets  (Record Times and HR for each set)

TIMES            HR
1. 9:56              172  
2. 9:37              172
3. 9:28              172
4. 9:36              172
5. 9:34              172


First off, no that wasn't a typing error, my HR was the same at the end of each set..I took it right after finishing each round, which was very interesting and telling.  My ability to sustain a certain level was great and I stayed well within my limits, never getting my HR out of whack.  I felt like my first set was more at 75% so I went a bit harder and found out I was right - I wasn't quite at 80% at first.  I completed each and every set of toes-to-bar, HSPU and MU Unbroken, which was another goal.  There is no reason why I couldn't accomplish that at 80%. 

So, I ran a total of 5 miles, completed 70 toes-to-bar, 70 HSPU, and 50 Muscle Ups today.....I am tired and sore, so a rest day tomorrow before tackling 31 HEROES with Mark C. on Saturday at CF Blaze...very interested to see how I recover from this but I'm not worried because of my nutrition, that will take care of it.  THANKS COACH.

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