Wednesday's Training:
A. Snatch Grip DL from 4" Block; 2-3 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B1. Power Snatch - 115#; 7 reps; rest 10 seconds
B2. Toes to Rings; 20 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
C. Side Bridge; 45 seconds/side; rest 15 seconds x3/side
A. 215#-225#-225# (completed 3 reps/set)
B1/B2 - 1:10,1:04,1:05
C. Completed
Snatch Grip DL with extended ROM was good training, something I think I need more of - I think it can help with posterior chain strength and that initial pull on the snatch. Snatch/Toes2Rings couplet was really rough on the grip but the power snatches felt easy and fast, def need the snatch work so it was good. Side Bridges completed with no problem.
Thursday's Training:
A1. DB Press from seated position on floor; 10-12 reps; rest 90 seconds
A2. L-Pull-Up; AMRAP (-1); rest 90 seconds x3
10 Rounds:
3 HSPU - Hands on Floor
3 Muscle Ups
A1. 30# DB/Hand (x12), 35# DB/Hand (x12), 45# DB/Hand (x10)
A2. 16,12,11
Time: 10:40
Well presses from the floor were different, really had to focus on keeping back tight and legs straight in front of me, tough to get any help from other muscle groups, good isolation work especially when combined with the L-Pull Ups. Again back had to stay tight and legs straight...this couplet smoked by shoulders and lats, which made the HSPU/MU tester miserable. Hoping for a much better time on that but it wasn't happening, upper body was struggling, still just happy to complete it. Good few days of training, day off tomorrow and back at it Saturday.....................
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