A. Bench Press w/Chains; 8,6,4; rest 3 minutes
B. Weighted Strict Chin Ups with 1/3 bodyweight attached; AMRAP; Rest 3-5 minutes (1 Attempt)
C. Weighted Strict Chin Ups with 1/4 bodyweight attached; AMRAP (1 Attempt)
A. 135#(180# w/chains)-155#(200#) -170#(215#)
B. 9 reps w/50# attached
C. 9 reps w/ 37.5# attached
Pretty easy, slow day today which I really needed...legs were smoked from this week's training and I played hockey this morning so this was perfect. First time using the chains on the Bench which I really liked - enjoying anything with chains for sure....
A. Find your 3RM Deadlift
B. GH Raises vs. Light Band; 10 reps; rest 1 minute x5
15 Minute AMRAP:
--3 Bar Muscle Ups
--20 Double Unders
--3 Deadlifts @275#
--20 Calories on AirDyne
A. 400#
B. Completed
6 Full Rounds + 3 Bar Muscle Ups
Happy with the 3RM DL @400#, I was hoping to hit 400# and it felt really solid - last rep was tough but completed....wasn't touch and go but just a second at the bottom to reset, very fast here....GH Raises were rough after the DL but def need the lower back work so good to see these again. AMRAP felt really smooth as well....the killer was the AirDyne (of course), getting thru 20 cals at that point was a grind. Loved it though, def something I can accel at....til next time....OH WAIT I GOT ONE MORE THING TO ADDRESS*****
So, most of you have seen me and Mark battle back and forth in a good natured verbal war on our blogs; however, it had stopped for a bit and I thought maybe we could finally both be adults and stop the nonsense. I WAS WRONG...he took an UNPROVOKED shot at me and told me to "Go back to drooling over pics of Tom Brady"
Well, shame on me for thinking someone from Philly could be honorable...I mean this is a place where sports fan throw batteries at opposing players, throw snow balls at santa claus and have a football stadium with its own jail cell underneath the bad....oh wait did I mention there Quarterback is a Convicted Felon???? WHATEVER, I'll take Tom Brady, First Ever Unanimous MVP in NFL history, any day of the week.....and yes I occassionally drool over him - not that there's anything wrong with that haha
I was going to congratulate you on the 400# for a triple...but....