Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Sleep was decent/average last night ~7 hours...had some things to get done prior to training so had a small snack before hitting the box.

A. Squat Snatch Practice - 7 minutes
B. Hand Release Push Ups - 10 reps; rest 30 seconds x3
C. Back Extensions - 25 reps; rest 45 seconds x4

A. Worked up from empty bar to 135# x3 reps
B. Completed as prescribed
C. Unbroken, Unbroken, 21/4, 17/8

Full squat snatch felt really good technique-wise, not sure if I have gained any weight here as far as a 1RM but that's something I would like to test soon...135# x3 reps was solid but I ran out of time.  Definintely would like to see more snatch work (especially squat snatch) along with OHS.  Hand release push ups went well and back extenstions on the GHD felt great - loved the short rest periods, which forced me to break up the last two sets (I just rested at the top for a second or two and that was enough to finish up)...keep the GHD work coming.  Worked mobility for about 40 minutes and focused on the lower and mid back, IT bands and shoulders...felt 100x better after getting done with the LAX ball and foam roller.  Looking forward to tomorrows heavy back squat 5RM....thanks coach

Pre-training:  LARABAR - 11g Fat, 28g CHO, 4g Protein
+ 1 serving Max Energy, 1 Serving Max Glucose, caffeine (200mg)

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately following):  Liquid Shake w/100g CHO, 50g Protein
+ BCAA+ L-Glutamine Mix (from the company "MRM")

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour following):  small sweet potato, 2 scoops protein, applesauce, 5g L-Glutamine Mixture - 40g CHO, 50g Protein

1 serving Max Fibre, 1 serving Max Liver*** (2 hours post training)

Meal #3:  6 oz grilled chicken, sauteed (in coconut oil) squash and celery, cashews - 25g Fat, 15g CHO, 40g Protein
+4 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil, 2 digestive enzymes

Meal #4:  2 slices low sodium bacon, liquid protein shot, pistachios, 10 oz. goats milk-18g Fat, 20g CHO, 40g Protein
+2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

Lastly:......2 VMG at bedtime  

Approximate Daily Values:  65g Fat, 203g CHO, 184g Protein

***Back on the Max Liver for a week...flushing out the liver for another good month.  Wish I could have gotten a bit more fat in today but I'm happy considering my schedule, did the best I could.

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