Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

No work today, so got a "normal" night of sleep ~8 hours and went straight to the box in the a.m. after supplemeting with Max Energy, Max Glucose, shot of caffeine....

A. Back Squat - Find 5RM @30X1; rest as needed
B. Dumbbell Split Squat @3020; 10-12/leg; rest 1 minute between legs x3
C. Anchored Sit Ups - Slow Lower; 20 reps; rest 1 minute x3
D. Dumbbell External Rotation @3010; 10-12/arm; rest 1 minute between arms x2

15-20 minutes on AirDyne between Z1 & Z2, THEN 200m Accelerating runs with 200m walk back (x5)


A. 255# (x5), Completed 265# (x4) but knew I wasn't getting the last rep @ tempo so I didn't wanna cheat the last rep
B. Used 25# DB/Hand for all sets - 11/leg, 10/leg, 10/leg
C. Completed
D. Used 15# DB for all sets - 10 reps/arm all sets

Completed 17:30 minutes on the AirDyne at 60 rpm average, followed by 200m runs (x5)

Finding 5RM Back Squat was interesting - not used to finding a 5RM, so I attacked it with the intent of getting up there quickly with few sets because I knew it was going to take a lot to complete 5 heavy squats @30X1 tempo...made sure I was nice and warmed up prior and went for it....happy with 255# because I didn't compromise on the tempo, could've gotten 265# but the last one would not have been at tempo so I'm not counting it.  Time under tension here was brutal but nothing like the DB split squats.  Doing the split squats with a 3020 tempo meant no breaks and slow down and up, absolutely miserable and tedious...which means they were very beneficial and felt strong on these.  Anchored sit ups were a nice change - even with the slow lower, no problems here.  Same with the DB external rotations - nice way to end this portion of the training and 15# at a 3 second lower was plenty.  AirDyne felt really good and tried to keep at or above 60 RPM the whole time...5 runs @200m accelerating pace was interesting and actually felt really good considering I haven't run at all lately.  Again, had to learn where to start and how to finish, always good to get some running in.

Post-training Meal #1 (immediately following):  Liquid shake w/100g CHO, 50g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix

1 serving Max Liver

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post-training):  Small sweet potato, 4 oz. roast beef
+2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

1 serving Max Fibre (2 hours post training)

Rest of the day's nutrition coming soon.............

One thing I've definintely noticed is I respond better when I train about 1.5 hours after waking in a fasted state outside of some supplementation listed above.  For whatever reason, I just feel better and stronger in this state...I guess it really doesn't matter why this is the way I train best, I just need to find a way to ensure I work my schedule around it to get the most out of each session, no excuses.....

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