I was so tired last night I passed out around 9 or 10 I think...and didn't wake up til 9:45am....straight to the box after Max Energy, Max Glucose, Caffeine
At 65%, AMRAP 3 minutes:
-10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
-1 strict Muscle Up
Complete 3 rounds w/6 minutes rest between rounds
Tried to stay right around 65% each round, completed exactly 3 sets each time...all pull-ups, HSPU, and MU Unbroken, rest occurred as I moved from one movement to the next - 6 minutes rest between sets was active walking...this concludes another training cycle from Coach, look forward to the next one once he recovers enough to write again HAHA, just kidding Ant!!!! It has been great so far and well worth it.
Post-Training Meal #1(immediately post): Liquid Shake w/100g CHO, 55g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix
Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post-wod): mashed sweet potato, applesauce, 2 scoops protein, cinnamon, L-Glutamine Mixture - 40g CHO, 50g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
Meal #3: 2 Chicken&Appple sausages, broccoli/carrot mix, almonds - 35g Fat, 15g CHO, 30g Protein
+ 2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 2 digestive enzymes
1 serving Max Fibre
Meal #4: Beef Tenderloin, large salad - 15g Fat, 10g CHO, 40g Protein
+ 2 digestive enzymes, 2 VMG
Snack: LARABAR, Whey Protein Liquid Shot, pistachios - 25g Fat, 35g CHO, 54g Protein
+ 2 VMG
Snack: 12 oz. goats milk w/1 scoop protein - 10.5g Fat, 15g CHO, 34g Protein
+ 2 VMG
Although I am getting stronger, my bodyweight has seen very little change so I'm going to try and add even more food and see how that helps....it's gonna be tough because I'm certainly not skimping on the food now, I'm thinking some chocolate milk might help hmmmmmm......................
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