Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Slept forever last night...much needed 10.5 hours of sleep.  Straight to the box in a fasted state after 1 serving Max Energy, Max Glucose, caffeine (200 mg)....

3 Rounds:
-3 Tough Power Cleans - (Loads used/set = 215#, 220#, 225#)
-5 box Jumps - 24"
-20 Double Unders
Rest 5 minutes between rounds


3 Rounds:
-3 Tough Deadlifts - (Loads used/set = 350#, 365#, 370#)
-5 Burpees AFAP (As fast as possible)
-20 Double Unders
Rest 5 minutes between rounds

Power Clean WOD:  1st set done using 215# took :49 to complete...2nd set using 220# took 1:09...3rd set using 225# took 1:04

Dead Lift WOD:  1st set done using 350# took :40 to complete....2nd set using 365# took :45....3rd set using 370# took :45

Satisfied with weights used, Power cleans were def not touch and go but only a couple seconds between each rep to reset grip, really happy with last set completed at 225#....Box Jumps and D/U were a welcome sight after the heavy cleans....DL weights also felt good, again not touch and go but very little rest between reps (2-3 seconds)...Burpees and D/U easy....All sets of D/U today were Unbroken except for the very last one on the DL WOD.

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately post):  Liquid Shake with 80g CHO, 55g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mixture

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post):  Sweet potato, 2 scoops protein, applesauce, 5g L-Glutamine mixture - 40g CHO, 60g Protein
+ 2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

Max Fibre (2 hours post)

Snack - 16oz. regular chocolate Milk - 54g CHO, 16g Fat, 16g Protein
Meal #3:  Lean chicken breast, cashews, apple - 30g Protein, 20g Fat, 25g CHO
+2 VMG, 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

Meal #4:  Full Rack of Ribs, large salad - 40g Fat, 30g CHO, 50g Protein
+2 VMG, 2 digestive enzymes

Snack:  Liquid Protein Shot, almonds, LARABAR - 50g Protein, 25g Fat, 30g CHO

Snack:  4 slices bacon, 10 oz. goats milk - 12g Fat, 15g CHO, 18g Protein

Approximate Daily Values:  275g CHO, 280g Protein, 120g Fat

HUGE eating day here...

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