Well I'm back after a nice little hiatus from training....I took some time off, rested (and ate) a lot, and hung out with family. Feeling refreshed, healthy, and anxious to get back at it. Hit the box after a good shot of caffeine (200mg) on an otherwise empty stomach.
Row 30 minutes @Z1
4 Rounds (NOT for Time):
-10 KB Snatches - Left Arm; rest 15 seconds
-10 KB Snatches - Right Arm; rest 15 seconds
-AMRAP Double Unders for 30 seconds; rest 15 seconds
Row went well, tried to keep it at 65%, which was tough with the heat level in the box....felt loose and nothings hurting several hours later, so body responded well after the layoff. KB Snatch/DU training completed at a nice, smooth pace - just tried to make sure I was starting each portion after the 15 seconds of rest (would've been very easy to cheat and take a few more seconds)...I used the 53# KB for the snatches and completed all sets Unbroken, didnt cound DU but they got rough after the first two rounds. Really excited to get some aerobic training in, havent had that in awhile by design, needed to focus on other weaknesses....looking forward to tomorrow, Coach
Post-training meal #1 (immediately post): Liquid Shake w/25g Protein, 5g L-Glutamine, 80g CHO
+BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix
2 Max Liver Pills (Body definitely needs to flush some toxins over the next 7 days)
Post-Training Meal #2 (1.5 hours post): 4.5 oz smoked salmon (nasty!!!) and 18oz. coconut water - 25g Protein, 22g CHO
1 serving Max Fibre
Meal #3: 5 oz. chicken, cashews, pineapple - 45g Protein, 30g Fat, 20g CHO
+1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 serving Max Glucose
Snack: 16 oz. Regular Chocolate Milk - 16g Fat, 16g Protein, 50g CHO
Meal #4: 4 oz. chicken, grapes, pistachios, 10 oz. goats milk - 40g Protein, 24g Fat, 30g CHO
I need to get some multivitamins since I ran out, nutrition will be right on for a while now after my less-than-paleo diet over the past several days haha
Welcome back to the mix bud hope you had a good time with the family. Hope to see you around.