Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

Sleep was good last night, about 10 hours, but back to reality tonight....(see below for nutrition pre and post training)

PART 1 - 8 min. AMRAP @90% with 20# Weight Vest:
-5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
-10 Wall Balls
-15 Box Jumps - 24"

REST 10 Minutes

Part 2 - 4 Rounds for Time:
-Run 400m
-30 HSPU

PART 1:  4 Rounds + 5 C2B pull-ups + 10 wall balls + 10 Box Jumps
PART 2:  24:13

Completed today's training with Mark C. ....he's doing great and kept up throughout - he's a great example of what hard work can do if you just get at it...No Excuses, No Shortcuts! 

Well the 20# weight vest made things pretty difficult in part 1....Every box jump was tougher and the vest came down on my shoulders each rep, but loved every part of it - hoping to see the vest again soon.  Part 2 looked miserable and it didn't disappoint - I ran a mile total and did 120 HSPU, needless to say my shoulders are SMOKED...ROM on each HSPU was head to ground....Did I mention it was POURING outside while we did this?  So every time we went to do HSPU our hands would slip just making it that much tougher....yes we are crazy. 


Pre-Training Meal (about 3 hours prior to training):  5 slices bacon, 3 eggs, grapes - 20g Fat, 23g Protein, 15g CHO
+1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil, 2 digestive enzymes

1 serving Max Liver

Pre-Training Supplementation:  1 serving Max Energy, 1 serving Max Glucose, 200mg caffeine

Post-Training Meal #1 (immediately following):  Liquid shake w/54g Protein, 100g CHO
+BACC+L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Training Meal #2 (1 hour post):  small sweet potato, 4.5oz salmon - 30g Protein, 35g CHO
+1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 1 tsp fish oil

Meal #3:  Protein Bar - 9g Fat, 26g CHO, 20g Protein

Meal #4:  4oz. chicken, cashews, grapes - 33g Protein, 20g Fat, 24g CHO

Snack:  Liquid Protein shot, pistachios - 45g Protein, 14g Fat, 8g CHO

Snack:  10oz goats milk, BCAA+L-Glutamine Mix - 8g Fat, 12g CHO, 10g Protein

Approximate Daily Values:  80g Fat, 220g CHO, 215g Protein 

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