Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13th, 2011

Sleep wasn't too bad last ~ 8 hours of sleep, small breakfast and to the box.  My sleep has been pretty good lately...better than normal.

TRAINING (Skill/mobility):
A. Overhead Squat (OHS) Practice - light weights, work extension in shoulders & torso
B. Back Extensions @1010; 20 reps x 3 sets; rest 1 minute between sets
C. Turkish Get ups (TGU) - 1.5pd; 10/side; rest as needed

A. Worked from PVC pipe to 145# in 7 sets
B. Completed
C. Completed

Overhead Squats were rough and staying tight through torso was a struggle since I may or may not have a minor case of Rhabdo from Wednesday's GHD sit-ups haha...ROM on the squats was good and shoulders felt fine, just abdomenal discomfort here.  OHS are something I am hoping gets put in my training as much as possible.  In my opinion, it's absolutely one of the best/most beneficial for what I am hoping to accomplish here.  Back extensions felt strong until the last few of the last set when it started to really tighten up...Did 10 TGU w/left arm then 10 w/right instead of alternating between arms each rep.  These felt very strong, better than expected.  Also, I restricted my post-wod Carb intake due to the training volume today and did 15 minutes in an ICE BATH post-training.

Pre-wod Meal: 2 slices low-sodium bacon, 2 scrambles eggs - 13g Fat, 16g Protein
+1 serving Max Energy, 1 serving Max Glucose

Post-wod Meal #1 (Immediately following wod):  Liquid shake - 25g CHO, 48g Protein, 4.5g Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Wod Meal #2 (1 hour post-wod):  1 small sweet potato, 5 oz. rotisserie chicken - 30g CHO, 35g Protein
+1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondritin, 1 tsp. Fish oil

1 serving Max Fibre (2 hours post-wod)

Meal #3:  4 oz. pork chops, 1 apple, almonds - 20g Fat, 22g CHO, 34g Protein 

Meal #4: 1 PaleoKit - 6g Fat, 18g CHO, 14g Protein

Meal #5: 5 oz. chicken and pork, fruit, mixed nuts - 20g Fat, 30g CHO, 40g Protein

Meal #6: LARABAR - 11g Fat, 28g CHO, 4g Protein

Meal #7: PaleoKrunch - 13g Fat, 16g CHO, 7g Protein

Meal #8: 2 scoops protein powder - 48g Protein, 2g Fat

Approximate Daily Values (18-hour day): 85g Fat, 169g CHO, 246g Protein
***See post below for yesterday's training, the website was down yesterday so had to post it today.***

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