Slept ~ 6 hours last night, not ideal but pretty normal for most nights...again took 1 serving Max Energy and 1 serving Max Glucose pre-wod and straight to the box.
A. Power Snatch Technique Work - 7 minutes
B. Handstand Practice - Try for Max Free Hold
C. Split Jerk Practice - 7 minutes
D. GH Raises w/hands at temples @30X0; 5 sets of 10 reps; rest 1 minute between sets
A. Worked on light to moderate weights (45# - 170#)
B. About 2 seconds (haha)
C. Worked on light to moderate weights (95# - 205#)
D. All completed Unbroken
Power snatch technique work was very beneficial - hadn't done these in awhile but I'm pretty sure a light went on here...just like a heavy power clean, I realized spreading the feet out to the sides as the hips open and getting a bit lower on the catch allows for much heavier weights. I tended to only bend slightly at the knees on the catch and the weights always felt heavy. Free handstand holds were fun and challenging - I almost sustained a concussion 6 separate times but I started getting it by the end, definitely something I wanna accomplish in the near future for more than 2 seconds. Split jerk work went fine, got up to 205# which felt pretty easy so I stopped there. GH Raises @30X0 were brutal but I really need all the lower back work I can get.
Post-Wod Meal #1 (immeidately following wod): Liquid shake with 100g Protein, 50g CHO, 4.5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix
Post-Wod Meal #2 (1 hour post-wod): 1 small sweet potato, 5 oz. lean chicken - 30g CHO, 35g Protein
+ 1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondritin, 2 tsp. fish oil
1 serving Max Fibre (2 hours post-wod)
Meal #3: 4 PaleoStix w/spinach, almonds, cashews, apple - 33g Fat, 33g CHO, 40g Protein
Meal #4: 2 oz. Bison, pistachios, 1.5 scoop protein w/Goat's Milk - 22g Fat, 21g CHO, 62g Protein
+ 1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondritin
Meal #6: 3 slices Bacon - 8g Fat, 6g Protein
Approcimate Daily Values: 72g Fat, 134g CHO, 243g Protein
Decided to up protein intake immediately post-wod....gonna mess around with protein levels for a couple weeks and see if there is any benefit, always altering CHO intake but never really messed with Protein levels. I guess we'll see........
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