Friday, May 6, 2011

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Slept well again last night ~ 9 hours....Trained in A.M.....ate small handful of Macademia Nuts and hit the workout.

A. Snatch Grip DL @42X1; 3-5 reps; rest 3 minutes x4
B1. Push Press @22X1; 5-7 reps tough; no rest
B2. Chest to Bar Pullups x20; rest 3 minutes x5
C. Back Extensions Weighted @4022; 10-12 reps; rest 45 seconds x4

A. 175#, 185#, 195#, 205# - completed 5 reps each set
B1. 6, 6, 6, 5, 5 - used 135# all sets
B2. UB, UB, 14/6, 10/5/5, 8/6/6
C. 11, 10, 10, 8 - added 10# weight for all sets, held under chin

Stayed true to prescribed tempos every step of the way...physically and mentally draining but very beneficial training.  Grip/forearms taxed due to DL/PP/CTB Chin ups and hammies and ass are burnt out from Back Ext., looking forward to the day off tomorrow.


Pre-Wod Snack: 5 Macademia Nuts - 8g Fat, 1g Protein

PWO: BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix
PWO Shake: 50g Protein, 100g CHO, 4.5g L-Glutamine

Meal #1: 5oz. Bison, 1 medium Sweet Potato - 35g Protein, 45g CHO

Meal #2: Garden salad w/oil  & vinegar, 1/2 rack ribs, boneless chicken breast - 30g Fat, 5g CHO, 50g Protein

Meal #3: LARABAR, liquid Protein shot - 11g Fat, 28g CHO, 29g Protein

Meal #4: 3 slices Bacon, 30 Cashews, 1 Apple - 34g Fat, 36g CHO, 16g Protein

Approximate Daily Value: 83g Fat, 215g CHO, 191g Protein

This was a better day nutrition-wise...based on the level of intense training I consumed 100g CHO immediately post-wod, which will be the norm based on the day's training (took in 145g CHO total in the two hours post-wod, as opposed to just 70g the rest of the day).  We will see how adding even more CHO post-wod will make me feel as compared to being more restrictive although I think I already know the answer...back at it Saturday.

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