Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

Another 6 hours of sleep and straight to the sweat box after consuming 1 serving Max energy, 1 serving Max Glucose and some caffeine (like most training days)....

A. Weighted Bar Dips @30X1; 3-5 reps; rest 3 minutes x5
B. Dumbbell Reverse Lunges to Single Leg Deadlift - both @ 20X1; 4-6 reps; rest 2 min. between legs x4
C. Side Bridge - 45 seconds/side with 10 seconds rest between sides x4 sets each side

A. 70# KB attached (5 reps), 79# KB attached (5 reps) - used this weight/reps for 3 sets, 89# attached (4 reps)
B. 35# DB/Hand (6 reps), 45# DB/Hand (6 reps) - used this weight/reps for 2 sets, 55# DB/Hand (6 reps)
C.  All complete as prescribed

Weighted bar dips hadn't been done in a while so always good to switch things up, happy with the weights used here at tempo...DB reverse lunge to single leg DL was something new and I had never done it before but loved the results, definintely understand the benefits of this and had some good secondary benefits as well (grip strength w/DB, balance, coordination).  Side bridges got tough after 1st round but all done unbroken, good core work.


Post-Wod Meal #1 (immediately post-wod):  Liquid Shake - 75g Protein, 50g CHO, 4,5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix

Post-Wod Meal #2 (1.5 hours post-wod):  4 oz. grass fed rib eye steak, large sweet potato, sauteed asparagus and celery - 20g Fat, 30g Protein, 50g CHO
+ 1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondritin, 1 tsp fish oil

Meal #3:  2 eggs, macademia nuts, almonds, pineapple, 14 oz. Goats milk w/1 scoop protein - 43g Fat, 45g Protein, 24g CHO
+2 digestive enzymes, 1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondritin, 1 tsp fish oil

Approximate Daily Values:  63g Fat, 125g CHO, 150g Protein

Real tough day getting in proper nutrition with late-afternoon wake up....I go from 18-hour days to being awake for 7 hours.  I have no idea how people with horrible eating habits survive on this schedule?? 

*****Also, check below for yesterday's breakdown, which I just posted as well...any suggestions for changes anywhere??*****

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