Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Slept ~ 6 hours last night...pretty tired but got up and straight to the box for training with Tom, who's turning into a legit crossfitter very quickly...

A. Weighted Ring Dips @3011; 4-6 reps; rest 3 minutes x3
B. Barbell Step ups @4121; 10/leg; rest 1 minute between legs x4
C. Dumbbell Alternating Lunges to 4" step; 12-15/leg; rest 2 minutes x3
D. GHD Sit-ups; 15 reps; rest 1 minute x4

A. 6 reps (w/35# KB attached), 6 reps (w/50# KB), 6 reps (w/70# KB)
B. 65# Barbell used for all sets
C. Completed 15 reps/leg each set with 30# DB/hand
D. All completed

I thought weighted ring dips were going to be tougher with slow tempo, but should have started heavier...Barbell step ups slow and controlled...and tedious (just as much mentally draining as physically).  Alternating lunges to 4" step had similar effect to step ups but went a bit quicker - focused on heel-to-toe on downward motion and pushed up from toes on upward motion...great exercise.  GHD sit-ups all complete, focused on hip drive/power.  Anthony is locked on with the programming.

Post-Wod Meal #1 (immediately following wod): 16g Fat (from added chocolate milk), 50g CHO, 40g Protein, 4.5g L-Glutamine + BCAA + L-Glutamine mix (liquid shake)

Post-Wod Meal #2 (1 hour post-wod): 1 medium sweet potato, 5 oz lean chicken - 45g CHO, 35g Protein
+ 1 tsp. fish oil, 1 multivitamin, 1 serving Max energy and 1 serving Max Glucose

1 serving Max Fibre (2 hours post-wod)

Meal #3: 4 oz. lean pork chops cooked in coconut oil, celery, cucumber, macademia nuts - 30g Fat, 30g Protein, 10g CHO + 2 digestive enzymes, 2 Glucosamine & Chondritin, 1 multivitamin, 1 tsp. fish oil

Meal #4: 5 slices low-sodium bacon, Paleo Krunch w/coconut milk - 35g Fat, 18g CHO, 17g Protein
+ 2 digestive enzymes

+Liquid Protein shot (before bed) - 25g Protein

Approximate Daily Values: 90g Fat, 123g CHO, 147g Protein

Days like this (when I'm not awake for much of the day) are tough to fit in the best nutrition but I did pretty well considering...

Below is yesterday's nutritional breakdown for my rest day...And Steve that profile picutre is disturbing and shows me a side of you I didn't know existed.


  1. Steve, I have to agree with Jeff here...Dancing Dave looks good however.

  2. lol, didn't know what yall were talkin about until I looked at Jeff's followers!...bahaha keep it Steve!
