Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday, May 9th, 2011

Slept ~ 12 hours last night...I guess I was more fatigued than I thought...after a cheat day yesterday I certainly didn't feel like eating this morning, so I woke up and went straight to the box.

TRAINING (Skill/Mobility):
A. Power Clean Technique Work: 5-7 minutes
B. Power Snatch Technique Work: 5-7 minutes
C. KBS - 1.5pd; 3 sets of 15 reps; rest 1 minute between sets
D. Bench Press @20X1; 55% of 1RM; 8 sets of 2 reps; rest 45 seconds

A. Worked from empty bar to 95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 175#, then back down to 135#
B. Worked from empty bar to 95#, 115#, 120#, 130#
C. Completed as Prescribed
D. Used 150# (1RM - 275# x 55%) - all completed as prescribed

Kept weights light for A and B - focused on the pulls, hip extension, straight arms and high, fast elbows (power clean)...175# Power clean felt really light but certainly didn't want to push any higher because of intent here.  KBS felt light, kept focus on explosive hips, very little shoulder/arm fatigue here...Bench Press also focused on explosiveness off chest.


Pre-Wod: 1 serving Max Energy, 1 serving Max Glucose

Post-Wod Meal #1 (Immediately following Wod): 50g Protein, 50g CHO, 4.5g L-Glutamine
+ BCAA + L-Glutamine Mix (Liquid Shakes)

1 serving Max Liver

Post-Wod Meal #2 (Approx. 1 hour post-wod): 1 medium sweet potato, 5 oz. lean chicken breast - 45g CHO, 35g Protein + 1 tsp. "SFH" Fish oil + 1 daily multivitamin

1 Serving Max Fibre (Approx. 2 hours post-wod - definitely not something you wanna take pre-wod or right before bed)

Meal #3: 5 oz. Ground Sirloin w/onions and cucumber - 22g Fat, 10g CHO, 30g Protein
+ 1 tsp. Fish oil, 2 digestive enzymes, 1 Glucosamine & Chronditin

Meal #4: 2 oz. steak, 2 whole eggs, 1/2 cup grapes, cashews, macademia nuts - 47g Fat, 22g CHO, 33g Protein
+ 1 tsp. Fish oil, 2 digestive enzymes, 1 daily multivitamin

Meal #5: LARABAR - 11g Fat, 31g CHO, 3g Protein
+ 1 Glucosamine & Chronditin

Meal #6: 5 slices Low-sodium Bacon, 1 scoop whey protein - 12.5g Fat, 34g Protein

Approximate Daily Values: 100g Fat, 158g CHO, 195g Protein

1 comment:

  1. You starting to add in some additional post wod supplements? Max liver, max fibre? Also, are you taking Opt's shake?
