Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Slept a grand total of 5 hours last night...tough to get going today, but felt good once I warmed up at box - plus I got to see Hosey there so that made my day.  Trained in fasted state....1 Serving Max Energy, 1 serving Max Glucose pre-wod

A. Back Squat @30X0; 6, 6, 4, 4, 2; rest 3 minutes between sets
B. Dumbbell walking lunges; 15/side; rest 90 seconds between sets
C. Reverse Sled Drag w/180# sled; 60 seconds; rest 3 minutes active walk x4

A. 185# (6 reps), 205 (6), 235 (4), 245 (4), 260 (2)
B. Used 45# dumbbell/hand all sets
C. Completed

Very happy with back squat numbers and form/feel with tempo...felt great once I finally woke up and warmed up.  DB Walking Lunges were tedious and slow but feeling stronger everyday.  Reverse sled drag felt rough once again but good feeling once complete - you know you worked hard with this one.  I'm gonna say my VMOs felt like large Brazilian coconuts by the end...

Post-Wod Meal #1 (immediately following wod):  Liquid shake with 100g CHO, 50g Protein, 4.5g L-Glutamine + BACC + L-Glutamine mix

Post-Wod Meal #2 (1 hour post-wod): 1 Small sweet potato, 4.5 oz chicken - 40g CHO, 30g Protein
+ 2 tsp. fish oil, 1 multivitamin, 1 Glucosamine & Chondritin

1 Serving Max Fibre (2 hours post-wod)

to be continued.....

1 comment:

  1. if for no other reason but to hear great analogies about your VMO, I will keep writing reverse sled drags into your program. Brazilian coconuts?
