Slept ok last night ~ 8 hours...up, ate small snack, and straight to the gym for training.
A1. Push Press @22X1; 6,6,4,4,2,2; rest 2 minutes
A2. Strict Chin Ups - AMRAP w/25# KB attached at waist; rest 2 minutes x5
B1. Handstand PushUps - Extra Range of Motion (ROM); 15/set; rest 90 seconds
B2. 2 Legless Rope Ascents; rest 90 seconds x4
A1. 155#, 155, 165, 170, 185, 190
A2. 11, 10, 9, 9, 7, 6
B1. 8/7, 6/3/3/3, 5/3/2/3/2, 5/3/3/2/1/1
B2. Completed
Push Press felt real strong especially considering the tempo...Weighted strict chin ups always a great builder....used two boxes for HSPU (placing one hand on each box), allowing me to go 10-12" below parallel each rep - extremely taxing but still felt strong considering....Legless rope ascents had similar effect as chin ups with a different grip - loved the rope ascents, feel it's one of the best tools we have (well now that Jared's gone it's the best TOOL).
Pre-wod snack (1 hours pre-wod): 1 banana w/1 tbsp peanut butter - 8g Fat, 30g CHO, 3.5g Protein
Post-Wod Meal #1(immediately following wod): 50g Protein, 100g CHO
+ 3 scoops BCAA + L-Glutamine mix (Liquid Shake)
Post-Wod Meal #2(An hour after the wod): Protein powder, 1 medium sweet potato, 1/3 cup applesauce, L-Glutamine mixture - 50g CHO, 50g Protein, 4.5g L-Glutamine
Meal #3: Steak Salad w/oil, vinegar, mustard dressing - 54g Fat, 16g CHO, 68g Protein
Meal #4: Ate the second half of the steak salad - 54g Fat, 16g CHO, 68g Protein
Meal #5: Chicken breast and asparagus w/marinara sauce (gluten-free) - 15g CHO, 20g Protein
Approximate Daily Totals: 116g Fat, 227g CHO, 260g Protein
Haha, Zing! 10-12", psssh thought you were supposed to be doing extra range of motion.