Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Slept well again last night ~ 8 hours....this will probably be my last good night of sleep for awhile with my upcoming schedule.  Trained at 9:30a.m. in a fasted state.

A. Front Squat @30X1; 5-7 reps/set; rest 3 minutes x4
B. Reverse Sled Drags w/180# attached to sled; pull for 60 seconds; rest 3 minutes between pulls x4
C. Dumbbell Russian Step ups @1110; 8-10/leg; rest 1 minute between legs x4

A. 185# (7 reps), 195# (6 reps), 200# (5 reps), 200# (5 reps)
B. Completed
C. First set completed using 25# DB/hand, last 3 sets completed using 30# DB/hand - Did 10 reps/leg each set

Front squat felt real strong even with 3 second descent...happy with weights used for those.  Reverse sled drags were extremely tiring and my VMO was the size of a small watermelon when done...60 seconds felt like 60 hours.  Step-ups felt good and challenging...weights for those stayed moderate after the sled drags.  Another beneficial day of training thanks to Anthony...looking forward to tomorrow.

Post-Wod Meal #1 (Immediately following Wod): 80g CHO, 50g Protein, 4.5g L-Glutamine
BCAA + L-Glutamine mixture

Now that my post-wod nutrition is consumed I'm going to have myself a bit of a cheat day...this has always worked well for me.  Allowing myself to eat whatever I want for a few hours has always helped me both physically and mentally for the upcoming week of training.  I would recommend at least some kind of cheat meal once every 1-2 weeks regardless of fitness level (assuming you are eating clean the rest of the time of course).  Sometimes your metabolism needs a shocking kick in the ass...just my opinion.

Also, starting tomorrow I will post the other supplements I am taking (fish oil, glucosamine/chronditin, multivitamin; along with Max Liver, Max Fibre, Max Glucose and Max Energy - all "Max" products by "Peak Bio").....sorry, I had forgotten do to that so far.....


  1. Would love to see what your cheat day consists off.. See if its on par with one of mine!
